EarthquakeGuru allows you to get fast information on Earthquakes in the last 24 hours straight from USGS.
(29/Aug/2022) THANK YOU ALL FOR USING THIS BOT OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS <3. I am shutting this bot down due to life circumstances, do not expect it to be live again.
EarthquakeGuru is the easiest Discord Bot to get quick information on recent earthquakes
EarthquakeGuru can show specific information on each earthquake like:
The Magnitude
The Type
The Place it happened in a readable format
The Latitude/Longitude it happened
The USGS id
The Time it happened
Commands (Are valid of EarthquakeGuru 2.0):
e!help - Shows the list of commands and what they do
e!amount - Shows the amount of earthquakes that have happened in the last 24 hours
e!recent - Displays information on the 3 most recent earthquakes
e!recent all - Displays information on all the earthquakes in the last 24 hours (SPAM WARNING)
e!recent custom - Displays information on the amount of earthquakes you want (SPAM WARNING)
e!changelog - View the changelog
e!stats - View the server stats
e!contact - My discord for suggestions or issues
EarthquakeGuru Support Server coming soon (as well as EarthquakeGuru 3.0)
If you have any issues or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me: Lexi#6696