Checks for any new ranked osu! beatmaps and sends them to TextChannels or DMs them to Users.
Every 30 minutes the bot will check for new ranked osu! beatmaps and send the new beatmaps to any text channel or user that wants them.
This bot uses slash commands instead of the normal prefix commands. If the slash commands do not show up in your server or are not working, then please wait up to 1 hour for them to register / update. This is a Discord limitation for global slash commands, not a bot limitation.
/invite This will send an ephemeral message with a hyperlink to invite the bot to your server. Note: You can do the same thing by clicking on the bot’s icon and pressing “Add to Server”
/osu set channel [text channel] [standard: Yes or No] [taiko: Yes or No] [ctb: Yes or No] [mania: Yes or No] REQUIRES THE USER TO HAVE THE MANAGE_CHANNELS PERMISSION Set which beatmap notifications you want a specific text channel to receive. Any modes that aren’t selected default to “No”. If all modes are set to “No”, then that text channel will no longer receive any notifications.
/osu set self [standard: Yes or No] [taiko: Yes or No] [ctb: Yes or No] [mania: Yes or No] Set which beatmap notifications you want to receive. Any modes that aren’t selected default to “No”. If all modes are set to “No”, then you will no longer receive any notifications.
/osu notifs_for channel [text channel] Displays what the beatmap notifications are for that text channel.
/osu notifs_for all_channels Displays any and all text channels in the server that will receive new beatmap notifications.
/osu notifs_for self Displays which beatmap notifications you will receive.
Any commands that say [BOT OWNER ONLY] in their description may only be used by the bot owner (aka Jamillia#4845). If you try to use them, then nothing will happen. I am unable to hide these commands from public eyes due to Discord limitations, not bot limitations.
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