Notifies registered text channels when server members start/stop playing games.
Winnie's purpose is to help people more easily get together when playing games by notifying when someone starts and stops playing games with a message like, "playerX has started playing Minecraft." I would highly recommend this for small Discord servers of friends that would like to know when these people have logged in to play a game, so that you can join in on the fun. This has been a big hit with my group of friends for getting together to play multiplayer games.
Getting Started
I suggest to register ("~reg" command) Winnie in a specific "Notifications" text channel so that the notifications will only come through that channel. This will also allow people to mute notifications for that text channel if they don't want to receive the notifications.
Additional functionality includes:
- Automatically create a role for players of a game (Overwatch Players) and add players of that game to the role. Off by default, can enable with "~set_config" command
I am very open to any additional or changed functionality to the bot, so please join the support discord channel to make suggestions. This is just the beginning! More functionality coming is:
- Only notify when specific people in the server start/stop playing
- Blacklist/whitelist certain games