Ever wanted to view Beat Saber maps on Discord or view a maps leaderboard on ScoreSaber? Now you can with BeatBot!
Search Custom Maps
, Search ScoreSaber Map Leaderboards
, View ScoreSaber User Leaderboard
, and more!Command | Description | Usage | Permission |
b!help | The help command! |
None | Everyone |
b!about | Shows the credits of the bot (of who helped) and about the bot! |
None | Everyone |
b!ping | Shows the ping of the bot! |
None | Everyone |
b!discord | Sends the invite to the official BeatBot Discord Server! (and other servers) |
[All (Will show all links to other popular Beat Saber discord servers] | Everyone |
b!invite | Sends the bot invite for BeatBot! |
None | Everyone |
b!privacy | Shows you the privacy policy for BeatBot! |
None | Everyone |
b!bug | Report any bug you find in the bot! (Will send in your [User Tag + User ID + Guild ID] to a "Discord Channel" in case you abuse the bug report system) |
[Bug Report] | Everyone |
Command | Description | Usage | Permission |
b!map info custom | Shows information about a map! |
[Name/ID] [Map Name (Gets result based from first result)/Map ID] | Everyone |
b!scoresaber (Alias: b!ss) | Shows results based from the scoresaber site! |
[Search/Global/Trending/User> <Song Name/Song Author/Song ID (If Search)] | Everyone |
Command | Description | Usage | Permission |
b!cleardata | Clears the Guild Data set by the bot in the db! (Will reset any settings set, but will readd if you type in a command again) |
None | Manage Server |
b!setprefix | Sets the prefix of the bot! |
[New Prefix] | Manage Server |
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