A updated version of the game Big Two originally implemented by Tajam. (House Rules baby)
Game rules on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_two
BigTwoBot Command List:
Set-up Commands:
-[create/c] Creates a game lobby
-[join/j] Joins current game lobby
-[start/go/g] Starts a game, once started no other players may join, needs at least 2 players before you start the game
-[leave/l] Leaves a lobby or game
-[stop] Stops a game or game lobby
-[stat] Shows points, wins, and losses
Gameplay Commands:
-[throw/play/p] # (# # # #) Plays cards by index from current hand
-[skip/s] Skips your turn
-[sort] (n/s) Sorts your hand numerically or by suit
-[refresh/r] Refresh the view of the current board, status, and hand (used when there is an error with message)
-[hands/h] Shows hand size of all other players
For any changes contact me through Discord - Orchard#4169
2 reviews
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