Emoji Tools - add, rename, delete, lock, unlock,download emojis !! Emoji management made easy. The ultimate emoji manager for you.
Emoji Tools is a bot for managing emojis in discord servers.It can add emojis from other external servers, rename and also can delete them. It can add multiple emojis at once! The special feature of the bot is that it can lock emojis to specific roles so that only those roles can access them.This feature is unavailable in Discord GUI You can unlock the locked emojis too. And if you want to download the image version of any emoji you can do by only executing a simple command! Emoji Tools can be the ultimate solution to your server's emoji management.
The prefix of the bot is et
Currently it has some basic commands that will get your work done. More commands will be added soon! Type ethelp
to get a list of commands.Some of the commands are shown below:
etadd <emoji> [optional_name]
-> adds an emoji to the server!etaddmany <emoji> <emoji> ....
-> adds multiple emojis at once!etlock <emoji> @role1 @role2
-> locks the emoji so only the specified roles can access it.etaddurl <image_url>
-> creates an emoji from the provided image url!More commands and slash commands will be added in the next version.
The bot stays always online. Invite the bot and check it out, you will love it. Join the support server if you encounter any error while using the bot. <3
4 reviews
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about 1 year ago
I love the tool, however, it’s stopped working. I can’t get it to connect me to the support server, and I can’t get the link here for the support server to take me to anywhere. I genuinely love this tool! I’ve used it to set up all the emojis I currently have in my server, but I’d like to add more and I can’t. It stopped working about 9 months ago.
almost 2 years ago
This is an AMAZING tool for emoji management! It's underrated and deserves much more love and reviews! It's a great competitor to Remoji. Remoji removed the naming system when adding emotes from other server, which is allowed here so I think this bot is much better! I highly recommend using this bot! And i hope that you keep adding more useful and unique features to it!
over 3 years ago
The most stable emoji management bot I've found on Top.gg. No complaints, just superb!
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