VRify is the ultimate VRChat bot. Link your vrchat account with discord and much more.
VRify is a discord bot to actually connect VRChat and Discord. In this way, you can syncronize your server with your users VRChat account. As an example, the bot can change the nickname of verified users to their VRChat displayname. You also can give your users roles, if they are VRC+, their trusted rank or just simple a role if they are verified. Its way simpler to know who is who. And getting your users verified it not hard.. They will get a message when they join your server. If the user reacts, he can tell the VRify his VRChat username or displayname. The bot will ask if the found VRChat user is actually him. If the user agrees, he just have to add something to his Bio. One last click and they are verified. It may take 2 minutes if the user is experienced. But every step is detailled explained. Maybe even just 10 seconds if you have your discord tag already in your VRChat Bio. Its no expenditure to get verified. Once in our database, the user is verified on every server using VRify. So maybe new users are already verified if they are active in other VRChat communities.
But how do I use the bot? If you just want the VRChat displaynames as usernames, just invite the bot. But you can disable it if you want. Just type "/vrify usedisplaynames false" You can see all admin commands and their explainations with "/vrify".
But there are also commands for your users to use. With "/vrchat user @User", your users can get the VRChat profile of verified users. Same does work with worlds. Use "/vrchat world [World]" to get some useful information about the world. VRify can also be used to search for avatars. Just use /vrchat avatar [...]. If you want, you can link your world to your server so your members can do /world to get informations about your world or they can do /join to join your game with just one click.
A while ago, I added the friend verification. The ease of use with friend verifying is much better than adding something to your bio. But being friended also gives the bot additional data, like your online status. So I introduce to you: /vrchat online It tells you which of the servers verified users are online. If you did not do the friend verification, don't worry. Use the command in the bots direct messages and it will give you an option to friend the bot.
Try it by yourself. You and your users will love it 🙂
6 reviews
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almost 3 years ago
Wow. It was very simple. It just detected that it was me because I already had my discord in my description. I heard that others may have to add it afterwards, but even this should not be a problem.
over 2 years ago
Hey. Well Done. But could you maybe add a feature so we can see which users are playing vrchat like VRChat Status does?
almost 3 years ago
Might update later if creator gets a detailed commands section. How am I supposed to verify myself if I'm already in the server. No command to verify yourself, very confused about this one.
over 2 years ago
Awesome bot I use for my VRChat discord group. After a little bit of setting up my discord members now have their VRChat names as their discord server names! (after verifying of course- which is passwordless and genius btw!). Great work
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