All in one Multipurpose bot with integrated ChatGPT moderation and fun and games and with admin
Hey folks! I'm Minobic#5649 aka Mino developer of MinoBot
Here are the commands you need
Prefix is mino and / works too For help the command is mino help
Admin Commands! ✅Prefix = mino all commands works with / too
🔹ban 🔹mute 🔹unmute 🔹kick 🔹clear 🔹slowmode 🔹close 🔹stats 🔹commands
Moderation Commands!
🔹ban 🔹mute 🔹kick 🔹clear 🔹slowmode
Chat Bot/ChatGPT command!
Level/rank Commands!
🔹rank 🔹level-blacklist 🔹level-unblacklist 🔹level-setmessage 🔹level-setchannel 🔹level-background 🔹level-setreward 🔹level-rewards 🔹level-set
Info commands!
🔹role-info 🔹server-info 🔹user-info 🔹avatar 🔹server-avatar
Fun Commands!
🔹snake 🔹8ball 🔹tictactoe 🔹connect4
Welcome leave Setup!
🔹setup-welcome 🔹setup-leave
Ticket Setup!
🔹setup-ticket 🔹config-ticket 🔹stats-ticket
Music and Radio!
Bot info!
🔹stats 🔹commands 🔹command-count
More commands are on the way I will edit here when they are completed ☺️
3 reviews
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