Tesla bot is primarily a moderation bot, but it's also jammed packed with fun commands too!
So, I see you're somewhat interested in me eh? Well I have over 30 commands and more to come! Including some Roblox commands that help users find other Discord user's Roblox account information (using the public API). So what else can I do? Well, I've got moderation commands like =mute
, =kick
, =ban
, etc. But if you really want to see what I can do, I suggest you add me to a test server or something to play with me! I hope you consider adding me to your Discord server! ;)
v3.6.1 is here! Don't forget to test out the new =news
command to see what's new! v3.5.9 was terrible. Hopefully v3.6.1 makes things up!
Here's a few of my commands!
- Kicks a member from guild.
Usage: =kick @user
- Permanently bans a member from guild.
Usage: =ban @user
- Bulk message delete.
Usage: =purge 10
- Mutes a user.
Usage: =mute @user
- Disables the @everyone permission to send messages.
Usage: =lockdown
- Enables the @everyone permission to send messages.
Usage: =unlock
- Scans a link.
Usage: =scan link
- Returns mentioned user's avatar.
Usage: =avatar @user
- Returns bot info.
Usage: =info
- Returns info on current server.
Usage: =serverinfo
I have much more, but if you like what you see, then invite me! :D
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