The go-to Utility & Moderation bot that makes your life easier [Giveaways, Warnings, Logs, Graphing, Notepad, Temp Channels + LOADS More!]
Kernel is an easy to use but very powerful Utility & Moderation bot. It's the bot that delivers all of the useful features out of the trio of bots I currently offer. Kernel is a great addition to any server as it will help you to moderate it with ease, as well as giving you and the other users powerful tools that are just generally useful. To view the full list of commands, type .help
Although right now I create many different bots, it wasn't always like this. In December 2017, I first created SmileyBot. The first thing I made on this is giveaways, before I moved onto other Moderation and Utility features. Then I decided it was time for some Fun, which was shortly followed by what was originally going to be some simple Gambling commands turning into Economy. The Pokémon command was also drastically improved into a whole other game which is now present in PokéVenture.
In September 2020, it looked like it was time for a change. After almost 3 years of working on SmileyBot, it was a big change to be working on multiple different ones but it still retained the overall feel which was very important to me. This was the main inspiration for the fact that all of the bots work together rather than just being purely standalone
I really enjoy...
[Background of Kernel]
You can view a full list of commands at
Automate many moderation tasks such as filtering the chat, giving roles, making custom reactions, self assignable roles, kicking users in a role (possibly after a delay), giving loyalty roles and lots more!
Take advantage of the suite of powerful moderation tools, including: Purge, Kick, Ban, HackBan, MassBan, Mute, Voice Move as well as all of the automation features and lots more
An advanced warnings system that lets you keep track of which users are pushing the boundaries and breaking rules while giving them another chance. You can configure thresholds when users will be punished (banned, kicked, muted) as well as a short cooldown that applies whenever a person is muted to prevent users from arguing immediately after they were warned.
A great logging system designed so you never miss out on anything that happens in your server. You can send logs for many different events to a discord channel, as well as being able to view all of the offences each user has committed at any time
Stay organised! Use the feature-rich notepad where you can store and collaborate on notes with many pages and attachments; Manage your list of things to do inside discord; Set reminders, including ones like when a user starts playing a certain game and more!
Calculator, Random Stuff, Dictionary, Link Shortener, Mass Ban, Translator, Weather, Role Restricted Emojis, Quoting, Google Sheets Integration...
Of course Kernel has a very active developer who is always willing to answer questions and implement new features you want to be added into the bot.
Most users say the thing they value most about the bot is being able to communicate directly with the developer to give feedback and suggest new ideas in a way that makes them part of the development process
And more! These are only a few examples of what Kernel can do! Click here to view the full command list
Please feel free to join the Official Server if you have any queries, I am always happy to help
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