The perfect bot to use funny tools on your server and listen to good music.
A brief documentation about the commands can be found here, or by typing the command -m help
YouTube Autoplay
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Command | Information | Permission Level |
slots | spin that machine and win money | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
vote | vote for the bot on and get a reward | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
Command | Information | Permission Level |
join | connects this bot with a voicechannel | [ADMINISTRATOR/Lv.1] |
leave | disconnects this bot from a voicechannel | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
info | shows info about the playing track | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
loadqueue | load the saved queue from the server | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
pause | pauses the media playback | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
play | play a track from an URL or youtube | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
playlist | play a playlist from an URL or youtube | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
queue | show infos about the current queue | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
loop | turn looping for the queue on/off | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
resume | resumes the media playback | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
savequeue | save the current queue to the cloud | [ADMINISTRATOR/Lv.1] |
skip | skips the current track | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
stop | stops the media playback | [ADMINISTRATOR/Lv.1] |
volume | changes the volume of the media playback | [ADMINISTRATOR/Lv.1] |
Command | Information | Permission Level |
about | shows some infos about this bot | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
bio | set a bio that will be shown in your profile | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
dectohex | convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal number | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
help | shows this little helpy message | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
hextodec | convert a hexadecimal number to a decimal number | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
invite | gives you the invite link for this bot | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
profile | shows your/someones profile | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
server | gives you some informations about this server | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
shorten | simply shorten an url | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
whoami | gives you some informations about you | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
whois | gives you some informations about an user | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
Command | Information | Permission Level |
autorole | set a role every member will get when joining this server | [ADMINISTRATOR/Lv.1] |
ban | ban a user from the current server | [SERVER OWNER/Lv.2] |
clear | clear a specific amount of messages in the current channel | [ADMINISTRATOR/Lv.1] |
kick | kick a user from the current server | [SERVER OWNER/Lv.2] |
permission | change permissions for a specefic user | [BOT OWNER/Lv.3] |
prefix | set a custom prefix for this server | [ADMINISTRATOR/Lv.1] |
unban | unban a user on the current server | [SERVER OWNER/Lv.2] |
welcome | set a channel for the welcome message that will be displayed when someone joins | [ADMINISTRATOR/Lv.1] |
Command | Information | Permission Level |
achievement | create a minecraft achievement | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
blb | generate a random be like bill meme | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
chucknorris | generate a true tale about chuck norris | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
poke | send a pm to a member to wake him up | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
randomcat | generate a pic of a cute cat | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
randomdog | generate a pic of a cute dog | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
trbmb | generate a 'That Really Blanks my Blank' phrase | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
tts | let this bot send a tts message | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
urban | look somethink up in the urban dictionary | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
Command | Information | Permission Level |
error | shows a custom error message | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
ping | gives you the connection speed from the bot to discord | [MEMBER/Lv.0] |
servers | list all the servers this bot is on | [BOT OWNER/Lv.3] |
test | empty... | [BOT OWNER/Lv.3] |
exception | empty... | [BOT OWNER/Lv.3] |
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