A complete bot for moderation, information and funny stuff... invite me to your server and type 'd-help' to see my commands ;) ...
A complete bot for moderation, information and funny stuff... invite me to your server and type 'd-help' to see my commands ;)
D-Donut can help you with its commands. D-Donut can be your best bot-friend if you work with him correctly. Let it show its best...
C O M M A N D S -
prefix = d-
Moderation Commands
1- prune: delete channel's messages.
2- kick: kick a user from your server.
3- ban: ban a user from your server.
4- unban: unban a user from your server.
5- warn: warn some user in DM.
6- newnick: edit user's nickname.
7- addrole: add user to role.
8- removerole: remove user from role.
9- mute: user will be unable to send messages.
10- unmute: user will be able to send messages.
Information Commands
1- invite: my invite.
2- bug-report: if you wanna report bugs.
3- info: get user information.
4- server: get server information.
5- role: get role information.
6- channel: get channel information.
7- avatar: get user avatar.
8- icon: get server icon.
9- ping: pong.
10- website: my website.
11-group: my server link.
12- urbandictionary / ud: search something in urban dictionary.
13- stats: D-Donut's stats.
Funny Commands
1- say: say what you want.
2- chance: what's the chance of something?
3- ship: see if you have chance with a user...
4- 8ball: ask something for 8ball.
5- meme: show a random meme.
6- poll: make a poll.
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