over 3 years ago
I wanted to try it but it won’t let me. I get a message that the bot has not completed verification...?
A simple moderation bot that has fun commands and a point system, and allows you to Ban, Kick, Purge, check the Weather, and Shorten Links.
This is a bot that allows you to GO MLG, Ban, Kick and Purge. If you don't know what those commands usually mean on discord, google it, but purge means to delete messages. More moderation commands will be coming out soon, but for now, sit tight, relax, and enjoy some !!weather. (That was a hint).
We have just added a points system! So be active on those servers! You level up after 100 points! Then 400 points! And so on. And each message gives you 1 point.
Display a random cat
Display a random dog
This displays the help section
Command usage: !!kick <@username> <reason>
. This command allows you to kick people. It requires thenrole of Admin.
The usage of this command is the same as !!kick
and also requires the Admin role.
This command also requires the role of Admin. Command usage: !!purge <number of messages to delete>
Command usage: !!weather <town>
This displays the weather of the town that you chose in the command.
Command usage: !!mute <@username> <time limit>
The time limit could look something like this: 2days
Command usage: !!unmute <@username>
Note: This command reqires a role named mute and I recommend that you make it so that the mute role is not able to send messages.
Command usage: !!shortenlink <link>
This command allows you to shorten any web link.
You can also make a custom shortened link:
Command usage: !!shortenlink <link> <custom link name>
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over 3 years ago
I wanted to try it but it won’t let me. I get a message that the bot has not completed verification...?
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