A Discord Bot for Bhagavad Gita, a Hindu scripture that is revered in Hinduism
A Discord Bot for Bhagavad Gita.
Join the Hinduism server
• 1. +Gita x y
- gets the verse no. y from the chapter no. x
→ +Gita 4 13
• 2. +Gita x y z
- gets the verses within range of no.y
to z
from chapter no.x
→ +Gita 4 13 16
• 3. +Gita x y version
- same as command 1 but you specify the version you want
→ +Gita 4 13 httyn
• 4. Gita x y z version
- same as command 2 but you specify the version you want
→ +Gita 4 13 16 httyn
• 5. +Gita versions
- to see available versions
• 6. +Gita invite
- invite link for inviting the bot to your server
• 7. +Gita help
- to see this help text
• 8. +Gita info
- prints some info about the bot
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