Macro Beta: Macro is an advanced user and server friendly bot which has many multi-purpose commands.
Macro Beta: Macro is an advanced user and server friendly bot which has many multi-purpose commands.
The prefix is ,
To change the settings for your server, scroll down to #server config
Command | Description | Examples | Aliases |
,help | This command displays all the categories for the different comamnds. The subcategories are: ,help-logconfig, ,help-social, ,help-music, ,help-mod, ,help-serverconfig, ,help-economy, ,help-fun | ,help | none |
Command | Description | Examples | Aliases |
,help-logconfig | This command displays the commands for Log Config | ,help-logconfig | none |
,Setmodchannel | sets a moderation/log channel | ,Setmodchannel | none |
,Modchannel | tells the current mod channel | ,Modchannel | none |
Command | Description | Examples | Aliases |
,help-social | This command displays the commands for Social | ,help-social | none |
,avatar | displays a users avatar | ,avatar | none |
,guildicon | displays the current servers icon | ,guildicon | none |
,user | Gives basic user information | ,user | none |
,server | Gives basic server information | ,server | none |
,version | macro’s current version | ,version | none |
,ping | Checks the bots ping | ,ping | none |
,invite | Displays Macro’s invite link | ,invite | none |
Command | Description | Examples | Aliases |
,help-music | This command displays the commands for Music | ,help-music | none |
,play | plays music in a voice channel | ,play | none |
,skip | skips the current song | ,skip | none |
,stop | makes macro disconnect from the voice channel | ,stop | none |
Command | Description | Examples | Aliases |
,help-mod | This command displays the commands for Moderator | ,help-mod | none |
,ban | Bans a user from the server | ,ban | none |
,kick | Kicks a user from the server | ,kick | none |
,clear | Clears a specified/default amount of messages | ,clear | none |
,addrole | adds a role to a user | ,addrole | none |
,remrole | removes a role from a user | ,remrole | none |
,setnick | sets a users nickname | ,setnick | none |
Command | Description | Examples | Aliases |
,help-serverconfig | This command displays the commands for Server Config | ,help-serverconfig | none |
,prefix | sets macro’s prefix | ,prefix | none |
,setwebsite | Sets a website for the current server | ,setwebsite | none |
,website | displays the website set for the current server | ,setwebsite | none |
,settwitter | Sets a twitter account for the current server | ,settwitter | none |
Displays the twitter account set for the server | none | ||
,setyoutube | Sets a youtube account for the server | ,setyoutube | none |
,youtube | Displays the youtube account set on the server | ,youtube | none |
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