HAL 9000 has bad words filter and mastermind
HAL 9000 – Discord Bot HAL 9000 is an Discord Bot with some useful and some not so useful commands.
HAL 9000 Features $ping is the health check command HAL should always reply with pong if the bot is alive. $pun is the jokes module administrators can add and remove jokes for HAL to tell a joke when is asked for. $pun returns a randomly selected joke. $pun add joke here adds the joke to the guild jokes list. $pun get {id} returns the joke with given id. $pun remove {id} removes the joke with given id. $pun help prints the command structure. $purge module deletes the messages of the users. $purge mine {num} deletes only users last {num} messages. $purge {num} delete last {num} messages can be only used by administrators of the channel. $purge @{member} {num} deletes last {num} messages of the @{member}. $flip command flips a coin and returns heads or tails. $cookie module allows owner of the server to give cookies to members for their good deeds. In return, members can exchange cookies for good deeds. $cookie give @{member} {num} gives {num} cookies to @{member} if typed by owner else it transfers cookies from user to @{member}. $cookie shows number of cookies user has. $cookie take @{member} {num} removes {num} cookies from the @{member} only can be used by owner. $mastermind module generates random 4 hearts from colored hearts:heart:️:blue_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::black_heart: . User tries to guess the combination by typing :heart:️:blue_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart: 4 hearts and HAL gives tips with :white_circle::black_circle: white and black circles. White circle means one heart is correct color but wrong place. Black circle means one of the hearts is correct color and the correct place. $filter module filters banned words from the use. $filter add {word} adds the word to banned list. $filter remove {word} removes the word from banned list. $filter on {-w} {num} {-r} {rank} {-b} {-k} starts the filter. if {-w} {num} option is present HAL warns member {num} times before further action, if {-r} {rank} option is present HAL removes members all roles and adds {rank} role (Typically used for jailing the member). If {-k} option is available HAL kicks user after warning. If {-b} option is available HAL bans user after warning.
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over 3 years ago
Hey, I want to add this bot to a server I'm in for fun. But can't as the bot is not verified, I was suggested to contact the creator and this is the only way. Hope to hear back!