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A multipurpose bot featuring 800+ reaction anime GIFs, full moderation, customizable server automation, logging and many others features

A multipurpose bot featuring 800+ reaction anime GIFs, full moderation, fully customizable server automation, logging and many others features

â–º Invite Me

â–º Support Server



Commands (default prefix >)

  • hackban <user id>

    Bans user by id. Also works for users that are not in the server.

  • ban <member> [reason]

    Bans the specified member for an optional reason.

    You can pass a flag (--nodel) so Shiro won't delete the user's messages from the past 7 days (eg. >ban @Sophie smells bad --nodel)

  • kick <member> [reason]

    Kicks the specified member for an optional reason.

  • mute <member> [time] [reason]

    Mutes the specified member by assigning the the Mute Role that has been set with the >set muterole <role> command, optional reason. Time format: 0h or 0m. Eg: >mute @Sophie 2h smells bad

  • unmute <member> [reason]

    Unmutes the specified members by removing the the Mute Role that has been set with the >set muterole <role> command, optional reason.

  • prune <member and/or number>

    • >prune <number>. Deletes a number of messages

    • >prune <member> <number>. Deletes messages sent by the mentioned member

    Aliases: purge, clear

  • warn <member> [reason]

    Warns the mentioned members for an optional reason

  • roleadd <role> <target>

    Adds a role to the specified target(member or role). Role can be given by id, name, or role mention. Target can be a member id, member name, member mention, all, humans, bots, a role, role name or role id

  • roleremove <role> <target>

    Removes a role from the specified target. Details same as above

  • rolecolor <hex> <role>

    Changes the color of the specified role.

  • rolementionable <role>

    Makes the specified role mentionable

  • warnlog <add, remove, edit or member>

    Add* a warnlog entry for a member, eg. >warnlog add @Sophie <reason>

    Remove* a warnlog entry of a member, eg. >warnlog remove @Sophie <entry id>

    Edit* the reason of a warnlog entry of a member, rg. >warnlog edit @Sophie <entry id> <reason>

    List a member's last 10 warnlog entries, eg. >warnlog @Sophie

    Add, remove and edit, are available only for supporting servers

  • help [command]

    Shows all commands or help about a specific command Type >help settings to display all server configuring commands

  • settings

    Shows an overview of the server's enabled or disabled settings. note: certain functions are toggled off by default and you have to toggle them on using the >toggle command

  • guide

    Get a list of all guides for Shiro

  • serverinfo

    Returns information related to the server: Icon, Onwer, Region, Verification Level, Created Date, Role Count, Human & Bot count, Online & Offline Members Count, Channel Count and Emoji Count

  • userinfo [mention or name]

    Returns information related to a member in the server: Icon, ID, Status, Presence, Role Count, Highest Role, Join Date, Account Creation Date and Key Permissions

  • channelinfo [mention or name]

    Returns information related to a channel of the server: ID, Type, Category, Created Date

  • botstatus

    Returns information related to Shiro: Ping, Bot Uptime and System Uptime, Server Count, Shard ID (Aliases: >ping)

  • invite

    Returns the bot's invite link and a server invite

Reactions (700+ unique gifs)
  • angrystare, bite, blush, cry, cuddle, dance, embarrassed, happy, hug, kiss, laugh, lick, mad, nervous, nod, nom, pat, peek, pinch, poke, pout, punch, run, sad, scared, shrug, shy, sigh, sip, slap, sleep, smile, smug, sorry, stare, suprised, tickle, tired, wave, wink, yawn, yay
  • say <text>

    Deletes the original message and then returns its contents

  • embed [text]

    Deletes the original message and embeds the text into a cute embed

  • quote [text]

    Deletes the original message and quotes the text. Equivalent of doing > text.... on discord

  • dice [sides] [times]

    Rolls the dice, pretty straightforward. Max rolls: 10

  • 8ball <text>

    Emulates the 8ball game

  • ship <args1> | [args2]

    Returns how compatible 2 people are with each other.

  • fight <member mention>

    Fight with people and see who is the strongest

  • rps <rock or paper or scissors>

    Emulates a rock, paper, scissors game with the bot

  • poll <text>

    Creates a poll. Simple poll: >poll "Question". Multi poll: >poll "Question" "answer1" "answer2" ...

  • movie <movie name>

    Returns information about a movie taken from the OMDB Api: Release Date, Runtime, Genre, Director, Writer, Imdb Rating and Plot

  • urban <word or phrase>

    Returns information about a word or phrase taken from Urban Dictionary: Definition, Author, Votes and an Example. Nsfw channel required

  • weather <city or area>

    Returns weather information for the specified city or area: Temperature, Humidity, Wind

  • fortnite <platform> [username]

    Returns fortnite stats for the specified user on the specified platform(pc, xbox, ps4)

    Fortnite is available only for supporting servers

  • itunes <type> <item>

    Returns information from iTunes about a product. Types are: music, movie, podcast, audiobook, ebook, software, all. Term all will return 10 results with that correspond to the item regardless of their type

    ITunes is available only for supporting servers

  • dog, shibe, cat, bird, fox, goat, panda, redpanda, koala

    Fetches animals pictures

  • size [member]

    Returns the size of your pickle ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 100% accuracy. Results change every month. Aliases: pickle

  • color <type> <specify color properties>

    Returns information about a specified or random color. Type can be either rgb or hex or random. In case of rgb you have to specify 3 values between 0-255 (eg >color rgb 100 100 150). In case of hex you have to specify a hex value(eg >color hex ffffff)

  • meme

    Fetches a random meme from Reddit. Nsfw channel required

Server Configuring/Settings

  • If you want help on how to setup certain funtions for your server read the guide
Toggle (on/off)
  • toggle modlog

    Enables or disables moderation logging

  • toggle chatlog

    Enables or disables chat logging

  • toggle updatelog

    Enables or disables member/server update logging

  • toggle filter

    Enables or disables chat filtering

  • toggle welcomemessages

    Enables or disables welcome messages, when a new member joins the server

  • toggle leavemessages

    Enables or disables leaves messages, when a member leaves the server

  • toggle invitelinks

    Enables or disables discord invite link deletion

  • toggle links

    Enables or disables link deletion (any link)

  • toggle autorole

    Enables or disables the automatic role assignment when a new member joins

  • toggle strictmode

    Enables or disables strict mode for certain bot functions. For now only filter becomes stricter

Add or Remove
  • add/remove filter <word>

    Adds or removes a word from the filtered words list. Members who type that word will get their message deleted Dms member

    Limited at 10 words, 50 words for supporting servers

  • add/remove linkchannel <channel>

    Adds or removes a channel from the list of ignored channels. Channels added to the list will get ignored when links are posted

  • add/remove autorole <role>

    Adds or removes a role from the auto role list. When a user joins they will get assigned all of the specified roles

    Limited at 1 role, 10 roles for supporting servers

  • add/remove attachmentsonly <channel>

    Adds or removes a role from the attachment only channel list. Messages that do not contain media will be deleted in those channels.

    Limited at 10 channels, 50 channels for supporting servers

  • add/remove chatlogignore <channel>

    Adds or removes a role from the chatlog ignore list. Message edits/deletes and bulk deletions in those channels will not be logged

    Limited at 10 channels, 50 channels for supporting servers

  • set modlog <channel>

    Sets the channel for moderation logging

  • set chatlog <channel>

    Sets the channel for chat logging. Logs edited/deleted messages, bulk deletions

  • set updatelog <channel>

    Sets the channel for member/server update logging

  • set welcomechannel <channel>

    Sets the channel in which the bot will welcome new members

  • set welcomemessage <message>

    Sets the welcome message

    You can add (--mention, --username, --id, --created) in the message. When the the message will get sent they will be replaced by the new member's tag, username + discriminator, id, and date that their account was created

    eg. >set welcomemessage Welcome --mention to the server (--id)

  • set leavechannel <channel>

    Sets the channel in which the bot will say goodbye to members that left the guild

  • set leavemessage <message>

    Sets the leave message

    You can add (--username, --id, --created) in the message. When the the message will get sent they will be replaced by the user's username + discriminator, id, and date that their account was created

    eg. >set leavemessage Sayonara --username (--id)

  • set prefix <prefix>

    Sets the server's prefix

  • set mentions <number>

    Sets the mention limit that is allowed per message. Set to 0 to disable. Can only be higher than 2.

  • set muterole <role>

    Sets the role which will be assigned when a member gets muted. Eg. with the >mute command

List or Show
  • list filter

    Lists all filtered words

  • list <welcomemessage>

    Shows the welcome message with you as the new member

  • list <leavemessage>

    Shows the leave message with you as the left member

  • list linkchannels

    Lists all channels in which link deletion is disabled

  • list <autoroles>

    Lists all auto the roles that will be autoassigned when a new member joins

Note: When calling a list/show command, roles and channels that have been deleted from the guild but they still exist in the database will get removed

Ratings & Reviews


5 reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star


Sinnie KIA 𓆩♡𓆪
Sinnie KIA 𓆩♡𓆪

almost 4 years ago

Amazing bot



Replying to Sinnie KIA 𓆩♡𓆪

Thank you!


almost 4 years ago

This is by far the best bot ever! So many commands and cute reactions! Definitely recommend adding Shiro to your server.



Replying to Kayume

The best reactions around 😉


almost 4 years ago

Shiro is a wonderful bot that keeps improving as the time goes on. It has a very easy setup and wouldn't take you no longer than 10 minutes to have it fully ready for you server. The owner of the bot is always around to help you out when you're have troubles with the bot.



almost 4 years ago

Best reactions, I love them







Server Count


Support Server

Shiro & Yumiko

Shiro & Yumiko





Discord Support Server







    Role Management



