A fun discord bot.
With many options for you to use.
Wolf Bot 2.0
General Commands:
- !Help
- !SetupLogs [Will make logs channel]
- !prefix {Your prefix you want} [Change bot prefix]
- !Rolecolor [color] (be sure to add the roles and colors)
- resetprefix [reset your prefix without using a prefix to reset]
- !Creator [Bot history]
- !Updates [Shows recent bot updates]
- !Usercommands [Members can see the commands they can use]
- !Botreplys [Gives list what bot replys to]
- !Ticket [Creates a ticket for others to contact you or your staff]
- !Close [Closes the ticket works for 15 seconds otherwise re-do !close]
HelpFul Commands:
- !Userinfo {@User} [Shows user info with profile badges]
- !inv [Creates Invite Link]
- !Verify [Gives Members verify role] [If created]
- !Setupverify [Set and makes the role permissions]
- !Setupeveryone [Removes @everyone permissions]
- !Setuptyping [Removes @everyone role from being able to type]
- !Sync [This will sync permissions from the category to the channel of your choice]
- !Rules [Make server rules embed]
- !Bitcoin [Shows current bitcoin value]
- !Doge [Shows current Dodge value]
- !Botinfo [Shows alot of information about our bot]
- !Passgen [Generate random highly secured passwords to dm]
- !Weather [Country or location]
- !Addtoken [U can add tokens to give out]
- !Redeem {Your token} [People can redeem the token]
- !Serverinfo [Shows the server information]
- !Gping [Does a hidden Ping]
- !Suggest {Your suggestion} If using !setuplogs it will show suggestions there
Fun Commands:
- !8ball {@User} [Random response]
- !Meme [Random meme]
- !Yesno {Your question} [Random yes or no answer]
- !Hentai [Only works in NSFW Channels]
- !Naked [Only works in NSFW Channels]
- !Nakedgif [Only works in NSFW Channels]
- !Roast {@User} [Roast a member]
- !Trash {@User} [Trash image meme]
- !Gayrate {@user} [Rates a member]
- !Loser {Your text} [Reaction icons with text loser]
- !Vote {Your question} [A server vote]
- !Timezones [All time zones]
- !Servericon [Sends server icon]
- !Randomnumber {Between 0/20} [Generates random number]
- !Pepe [Sends big pepe art]
- !Michaeljordan [Sends art]
- !Dog [generates dog images]
- !sizepp {@User} [Gives random pp size]
- !Badge [Discord badge information]
- !Wolf [Sends wolf images]
- !Fox [Sends random fox]
- !Nitro [Sends fake nitro rick roll meme]
- !Mcunlock {Your text} [Creates custom achievement]
- !Animal [Random animal images
- !Wasted {@User} [Sends profile picture gtav wasted in it]
- !Rps [Rock Paper Scissors]
- !Ban {@User} {Reason} [Ban users with logs if setup]
- !Modcommands [Shows Moderator commands for your moderators]
- !Kick {@User} {Reason} [Sends a message to their dm]
- !Warn {@User} {Reason} [Warns user with logs if setup]
- !Staffmessage {@User} {Your message} [Sends private message in dm]
- !Warns {@User} [Check user warns]
- !Addemote {Direct url} {Name} [Add emote to server]
- !Mute {@User} [Mutes user is setup correctly]
- !Removewarns {@User} [Removes all warns user]
- !Setupmutedrole [Sets up muted role in all channels]
- !Unmute {@User} [Unmutes member]
- !Nuke [Remakes the channel Clean]
- !Purge {Message ammount} [Removes messages]
- !Announce {Your Staff message} [Makes an announcement embed]
- !Whois {@User} [Check member info]
- !Say {Your text} [Sends message in same channel as the bot]
- !Removerole {@User} {Role} [Removes member role]
- !Addrole {@User} {Role} [Adds role to member]
- !Dm {@user} {your text} [Dm member with our bot]
- !Stealpic {@User} [Gets the persons profile picture]
- !Changenick {Name} [Changes Nickname of the bot]
- !ResetNick {@User} [Reset member nickname]
- !Boostinfo [Shows server boost information]
- !Slowmode {Seconds} [Enables slowmode]
- !Slowmode 0 [Disables slowmode]
Random Commands:
- !Mccheck {Username} [Minecraft user check]
Say the following and bot will reply:
- hey wolf bot
- hey wolf who are you?
- wolf tell me a joke
- wolf hows the weather?
- wolf where you from?
- wolf how old are you?
- how are you wolf bot?
- wolf what is your favorite color?
- wolf who do you love?
●Chat logs
!Setuplogs will create bunch of log channels for you to use.
●Edited messages logs
!Setuplogs will create bunch of log channels for you to use.
●Warn Logs
!Setuplogs will create bunch of log channels for you to use.
You can dm the bot and automatically sends invite to support discord
●Deleted Messages logs
!Setuplogs will create bunch of log channels for you to use.
●Ticket System
Make a channel called tickets
just let others know to use command ticket to open tickets
your command !close to close tickets only works for 15 seconds
otherwise you have to type !close again
●Staffmessage log
!Setuplogs will create bunch of log channels for you to use.
add the following role names
all caps then ofc color them
be sure they have propper permissions
●!Addtoken & !Redeem
u can make and give out tokens
for i dont know % procent off your order
use code: !redeem 5%
look out tho these codes can be redeemed
in all servers! so if others use %5 procent
your token will be invalid as its been used
this means for other server admins using same text/code
so make a random code that nobody else could/uses
●Anti Links
u dont want a person to be allowed to send links?
we got you coverd make a role called: off
give it to the person he/she cant send any links anymore
●Premium NSFW
Dont wanna vote every 24 hours? join our discord and request free premium
Thanks for using Wolf Bot 2.0
Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLV896L2BIs