Ryuzaki is an easy-to-use bot designed to increase activity on your Discord server.
ry conf :: Define per-server configuration.
ry disable :: Re-disables or temporarily disables a command/inhibitor/monitor/finalizer. Default state restored on reboot.
ry enable :: Re-enables or temporarily enables a command/inhibitor/monitor/finalizer. Default state restored on reboot.
ry eval :: Evaluates arbitrary Javascript. Reserved for bot owner.
ry help :: Display help for a command.
ry invite :: Displays the join server link of the bot.
ry ping :: Ping/Pong command. I wonder what this does? /sarcasm
ry reboot :: Reboots the bot.
ry reload :: Reloads the command file, if it's been updated or modified.
ry stats :: Provides some details about the bot and stats.
ry ban :: Bans a mentioned user. Currently does not require reason (no mod-log)
ry kick :: Kicks a mentioned user. Currently does not require reason (no mod-log)
ry softban :: Bans a mentioned user. Currently does not require reason (no mod-log)
ry add :: Adds a song the the queue.
ry join :: Joins the message author's voice channel.
ry pause :: Pauses the current song.
ry play :: Plays the queue.
ry queue :: Displays the music queue.
ry resume :: Resumes the current song.
ry skip :: Skips the current song.
ry time :: Check when is the song going to end.
ry volume :: Manage the volume for current song.
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