A cute little bot for your server, that includes moderation, fun, social, & utility commands!
Moderation Commands:
- Kick - Kicks a specified user from the server.
- Ban - Bans a user from the current server.
- Hackban - Bans a user who IS, OR ISN'T in the current server.
- Softban - Bans & auto unbans a user. Clearing 7 days worth of messages. [Acts like a kick with message clearing]
- Mute - Mutes a user, keeping them from being able to speak in text channels.
- Unmute - Unmutes a user, allowing them to speak in text channels again.
- Nickname - Changes a users nickname, in the server.
- Purge - Clears a specified number of messages from the channel [1,000 deletion limit per command].
- Giverole - Gives a role to a targeted member.
- Takerole - Takes a role from a targeted member.
- Createrole - Creates a role with the given name.
- Deleterole - Deletes a role with the given name.
- Createchannel - Creates a channel with the given name.
- Deletechannel - Deletes the current channel the command is executed in.
- Hoist - Hoists a given role in the server.
- Ignore - Toggles the bots ignore function for the current channel.
- Lock - Toggles the server lock. Autokicks any new users on join, useful for anti-raiding. Use a second time to toggle it back off.
- Welcome - Turns on/sets the welcome message for the current server.
- Goodbye - Turns on/sets the leave message for the current server.
- Autorole - Assigns a role to be automatically given to each new member who joins the server. Use with no role name to turn back off.
- Slowmode - Activates slowmode in a channel. Possible delays are 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, and 120 seconds.
Utility Commands:
- Help - Displays the help message/command list.
- Userinfo - Shows user info for yourself or the target user.
- Roleinfo - Shows role info for the target role.
- Botinfo - Shows my global bot statistics.
- ServerInfo - Shows info for the current server.
- Suggest - Sends a suggestion to my developers.
- Avatar - Fetches a large version of your avatar or the targets avatar.
- Servericon - Fetches a large version of the servers icon.
- Ping - Shows the bots latency to the Discord servers.
- Membercount - Shows how many users are in the current server.
- Uptime - Shows how long the bot has been online since its last login.
- Choose - Chooses something for you, from 2 different options. Put multi-word choices in quotes, single words without.
Social Commands:
- Pat - Pats the targeted user.
- Hug - Hugs the targeted user.
- Kiss - Kisses the targeted user.
- Cuddle - Cuddles the targeted user.
- Poke - Pokes the targeted user.
- Slap - Slaps the targeted user.
- Tickle - Tickles the targeted user.
- Bite - Bites the targeted user.
- Lick - Licks the targeted user.
- Feed - Feeds the targeted user.
Fun Commands:
- Coinflip - Flips a coin in the chat.
- Shrug - Posts a ¯_(ツ)_/¯ face in chat.
- Say - Makes the bot repeat what you say.
- Lovecal - Calculates love between you & someone else.
- Urban - Returns results for a word from Urban Dictionary.
- Lmgtfy - Google something for an idiot.
- Eightball - Asks the magic 8ball a question.
- Selfban - Bans yourself from the current server.. Or does it?..
- Osu - Returns Osu! statistics for a user.
- Neko - Fetches a random photo of a cute cat girl.
- Nekobomb - Fetches 5 random photos of a cute cat girl. (Warning: Can get a bit spammy)
- Kitsune - Fetches a random photo of a cute anime fox girl.
- Kitsunebomb - Fetches 5 random photos of a cute anime fox girl. (Warning: Can get a bit spammy)
- Lizard - Fetches a cute lizard photo for you.
- Cat - Fetches a random photo of a (real) cat.
- Randomavatar - Fetches a random weeb avatar for you.
- Clapify - Insert clap emotes between the spaces in the given text.
- F - Pays respects to something or a user, & shows how many times respects have been paid.
- Pickle - Finds the length of someones pickle!
- Roll - Rolls a number between 2 given numbers.
- Ratewaifu - Rates your waifu!
Misc Commands:
- About - Posts a few facts about me, in chat.
- Support - Posts an invite link to my support server.
- Invite - Posts a link in chat, so you can invite me to one of your servers.
- Patreon - Posts a link to my Patreon page, in chat.
Bot Owner Commands:
- Send - Send a message through me, to a user.
- Game - Changes the bots playing status.
- Serverblacklist - Adds a server to the global black list. Will auto leave black listed servers on join.
- Blacklist - Adds a user to the global black list, disallowing them the ability to use the bot.
- Serverwhitelist - Removes a server from the server black list, allowing them to be able to add the bot.
- Whitelist - Takes a user off the global black list, allowing them to use the bot again.
- Shutdown - Safely shuts down the bot.
- Reload - Reloads a bot cog.
And much more!..
Ratings & Reviews
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