General purpose bot with some currency & fun bonus features. Active updates occurring.
New bot featuring a variety of features including fun general, informative, system, and currency commands. Bot can conduct polls, say things for you, and more. Run $help for all available commands. Continuous updates occurring. Some generally unique commands are: $mc displays live information of server. $gamble <100-10,000> gambles your money, winning 1-2x your bet! And so much more - add the bot to discover all of the possibilities!
Katz is powered by discord.js, the best language used for Discord bots. It is also hosted in US servers with the best uptimes around. Whenever you need it, Katz is there for you.
It has so many utility commands, such as $nameserver, $verifylevel, and more, you'll never need to worry about your server setup again! Also It makes all of that easy for you.With customizable prefixes, modroles, permissions, and more, Katz is one of the best custom bots around. You can tailor Katz to fit all of your, and your server's, needs!
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