about 4 years ago
i invited it but it's offline. Can't do any of the startup commands because of this.
A League of legends Bot that will shuffle your 10 players in Voice Chat into 5v5 random teams and roles
first thing u must do after inviting the bot is the following command in () all in one line and do it right the first time with exact spacing replace everything in "" with the information that is applied to you commands start with ! mainchannelid = pregame vc id teamonechannelid = team one vc id teamtwochannelid = team two vc id
(!addguild mainchannelId teamonechannelid teamtwochannelid)
this registers the discord channel after running this command secessfully you can use !shuffle and !reset. Use !commands to see all options that are currently availible.
A League of legends Bot that will shuffle your 10 players in Voice Chat into 5v5 random teams and roles. In order to set it up you must have one pregame VC and two team VCs. using !shuffle will then move each person from the pregame vc to the team one and team two vc at random and print out a list of each player and their assigned roles.
Support discord to learn about updates and post potential things you might want added 24/7 service
!commands - shows a list of all commands (admin only)
!setup - shows step by step of setup(admin only)
!setprefix prefix - sets the prefix for this server(admin only)
!setmodrole roleId - sets the moderator role for this guild, moderators can use all commands(admin only)
!addguild mainchannelid teamonechannelid teamtwochannelid - using this sets your server and voicechannels into the bots system to run commands(admin only)
!addchannels mainChannelId teamoneChannelId teamTwoChannelId using this adds additional voicechannels you want to use for more than 1 5v5 at a time(admin only)
!removechannels mainChannelId - removes channel from shuffling there(admin only)
!toggle and !untoggle - toggles on and off random champions when using !shuffle (admin only)
!shuffle mainchannelid - shuffles 10 people from mainchannel to a 5 v 5 team one channel and team two channel at random and print out roles (top jungle mid bot support) for each team at random(admin only)
!win teamnumber mainchannelid - adds a win to all members in the team and a loss to all the members in the other team (players must be in respective voice channel) (admin only)
!reset mainchannelid - moves back all people from their team channels to main channel(admin only)
!createevent textchannelId -game -type -time (- are needed! and the channel id is the one you want the bot to reply in has to be a text channel) creates and event with the fields Game, type and time that you enter(admin only)
!help - shows a list of all commands availible to users
!winrate region leagueusername - shows last 10 games winrate including ranked solo/duo and flex as well as normals and draft defaults to na if no region is chosen case sensitive (na, euw, eune, lan, las, kr, oce)
!customwinrate @discordusername - shows overall winrate of customgames
!roll lane - rolls a random champion from that respective lane pool (top, jg, mid, bot, sup)
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about 4 years ago
i invited it but it's offline. Can't do any of the startup commands because of this.
Custom (! default)