over 3 years ago
I really love this bot for leveling. But recently it keeps going offline which I really dislike because levels aren't recorded anymore, and people keep asking what happened to the bot.
A utility bot with a bunch of cool/useful commands like birthdays, translate, self-roles and reminder.
To start using the bot, type ,help
If you need more help on a command, type ,help commandName
Almost every commands has abbreviation so that it can be easier and faster to use when you know the bot better.
This bot has multiple categories of commands :
command | usage | description | example |
help | ,help (category/command) | Show all the bot's commands/categories or a single command. | ,help translate |
avatar | ,avatar (@user) | Display your avatar. | ,avatar @ChillBot |
commandList | ,commandList | Display the command list categories per categories. | ,commandlist |
anime | ,anime [anime name] | Display information about an anime. | ,anime hyouka |
manga | ,manga [manga name] | Display information about a manga. | ,manga kimetsu no yaiba |
birthday | ,birthday [month] [day] | Set your birthday. | ,birthday dec 11 |
birthyear | ,birthyear [year] | Set your birth year. | ,birthyear 2001 |
birthdays | ,birthdays | Display next 15 birthdays in the server. | ,birthdays |
birthdayChannel | ,birthdayChannel [#channel] | Set birthday channel. | ,birthdaychannel #members-birthdays |
botinfo | ,botinfo | Send bot's information. | ,botinfo |
vote | ,vote | Send bot's vote link. | ,vote |
userInfo | ,userInfo (@mention) | Send user's information. | ,userinfo @Kaynooo |
--- | --- | --- | |
FUN | |||
cookie | ,cookie [@user] | Give a cookie to your friends. 🍪 | ,cookie @kkkirby |
hug | ,hug [@user] | Give a hug to someone. 🤗 | ,hug @Billy |
pat | ,pat [@user] | Pat someone. | ,pat @Ping |
poke | ,poke [@user] | Poke someone ! | ,poke @Danny |
run | ,run | Run away. | ,run |
sleepy | ,sleepy | If you are sleepy... | ,sleepy |
flip | ,flip [@user/text] | Flip something ! | ,flip Hello ! |
coucou | ,coucou | COUCOU ! | ,coucou |
dog | ,dog | Send a dog pic ! | ,dog |
cat | ,cat | Send a cat pic ! | ,cat |
dadjoke | ,dadjoke | Send a dad joke. | ,dadjoke |
chuckjoke | ,chuckjoke | Send a Chuck Norris joke. | ,chuckjoke |
knockjoke | ,knockjoke | Send a Knock-Knock joke. | ,knockjoke |
devjoke | ,devjoke | Send a developper joke. | ,devjoke |
rip | ,rip (@mention) | Send someone's tombstone. | ,rip @Fall |
--- | --- | --- | |
purge | ,purge [X] | Delete X messages. | ,purge 50 |
kick | ,kick [@member] | Kick a member. | ,kick @Elysian |
ban | ,ban [@member] (reason) | Ban a member. | ,ban @Toxic |
setPrefix | ,setPrefix [prefix] | Set the bot's prefix for this server. | ,setprefix c. |
welcomeRole | ,welcomeRole [@role] | Set the auto role for new members joining. | ,welcomerole @member |
welcomeBotRole | ,welcomeBotRole [@role] | Set the auto role for new bots joining. | ,welcomebotrole @bot |
welcomeChannel | ,welcomeChannel [#channel] | Set the welcome channel for welcome messages. | ,welcomechannel #welcome |
leavingChannel | ,leavingChannel [#channel] | Set the leaving channel for leaving messages. | ,leavingchannel #goodbye |
welcomeMessage | ,welcomeMessage [help/remove/your message] | Set welcome message for when a member join. | ,welcomemessage help |
leavingMessage | ,leavingMessage [help/remove/your message] | Set leaving message for when a member leave. | ,leavingmessage remove |
selfRole | ,selfRole [create/delete/add/remove/help] | Setup self-role message. | ,selfrole help |
--- | --- | --- | |
LEVELS | |||
rank | ,rank (@member) | Send your server's rank. | ,rank @Name |
leaderboard | ,leaderboard | Displays server's leaderboard. | ,leaderboard |
globalLeaderboard | ,globalLeaderboard | Displays global leaderboard. | globalleaderboard |
displayLevelUp | ,displayLevelUp [true/false/react/time] | Set the level up message display. | ,displaylevelup react 5s |
setLevelRole | ,setLevelRole [@role/remove] [level] | Set/remove the auto role for when a member reach a certain level. | ,setlevelrole @talkative 20 |
--- | --- | --- | |
UTILS | |||
translate | ,translate [lang] [sentence] | Translate a sentence to a specific language. | ,translate english Bonjour, comment allez-vous ? |
translateFrom | ,translateFrom [fromLang] [toLang] [sentence] | Translate a sentence from a language to another. | ,translatefrom ja en Ohayo ! |
reminder | ,reminder [time] | Mention you after a certain amount of time. | ,reminder 2h 8m 57s |
stopWatch | ,stopWatch | Tells you how much time has passed since your last Stopwatch command. | ,stopwatch |
random | ,random [min] (max) | Gives a number between 0 and [min] or between [min] and [max] | ,random -50 50 |
--- | --- | --- | |
VOTERS | |||
color | ,color (hexCode/reset) | Set or show your embeds color for bot's commands like rank xp bars. | ,color #9999ff |
background | ,background [imageLink] | Set your rank card background. (the link has to end with .jpg, .png or .jpeg) | ,background https://i.imgur.com/mCTwPta.jpg |
1 review
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over 3 years ago
I really love this bot for leveling. But recently it keeps going offline which I really dislike because levels aren't recorded anymore, and people keep asking what happened to the bot.
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