A dead simple reaction-based role bot
A really simple reaction-based self role bot for Discord, written in Python.
It allows you to have the bot send a message that your server's members can react to. If they do this, the bot will give them the specified role.
Invite Link: <Click here to invite me>
(EasyRoles needs Administrator privileges. It only works if the role it should give a user is below EasyRoles's role (i.e. EasyRoles's role must be above the roles you want to offer your members))
Support: https://discord.gg/53FQpTQ
EasyRoles' commands have the prefix ::
by default.
::help <command>
Shows a useful help section which contains everything in this readme, nicely organized. Provide the command you need help for as a second argument if you want.
::selfrole <args>
Sends a message to the current chat the users can react to with :thumbsup: (default) to get the role.
-m (Mention, required)
-e (Custom Emoji, optional)
--msg (Custom Message, needs to be wrapped in quotes, optional)
Has a cooldown of 25 executions every three minutes per guild. Do not abuse, please.
::selfrole -m @JapaneseSpeaker
::selfrole -m @JapaneseSpeaker -e 🍜
::selfrole -m @JapaneseSpeaker -e 🍜 --msg "Nihongo? Click on 🍜 below to get the @JapaneseSpeaker role!"
ATTENTION (EasyRoles needs Administrator privileges. It only works if the role it should give a user is below EasyRoles's role (i.e. EasyRoles's role must be above the roles you want to offer your members))
::flag [option_to_change] [value]
Allows you to change a server-specific flag. Enter the command without arguments to see the available flags and values. Has a cooldown of 10 executions every three minutes per guild. Do not abuse, please.
Sends an invite link to the chat so that you can invite the bot to your server! There's a flag to have the bot send the invite via DM if you don't want to have it posted in your server.
12 reviews
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1 star
almost 4 years ago
its amazing! perfect little bot with no extra bs features, just what my community needed