Add & Thief & Use Animated Emojis Without Nitro , Customize Everything , Moderate , Logs , Fun
add your own custom emoji ?addcustom + name + link
you can add all emojis on stock by ?addall
or add by packs (icons meme anime)
or add one by one
and you can see every emoji before adding it
thief any emoji from other servers ?thief + the emoji
or thief by id :
thief?a + the emoji id (for animated emojis)
and thief?e + emoji id (for normal emojis)
i?e + the emoji to get his informations and his image and possibility to download it
or by id :
ii?a + the emoji id (for animated emojis)
ii?e + the emoji id (for normal emojis)
color?all | change all bot commands color on the given hex code color |
color?logs | change logs color colors on the given hex code color |
color?casino | change casino bot commands color on the given hex code color |
color?ban | change ban bot commands color on the given hex code color (also changes ban logs color) |
color?kick | change kick bot commands color on the given hex code color (also changes kick logs color) |
color?mute | change mute bot commands color on the given hex code color |
join?message | set the join message |
join?emoji | set the join message emoji |
join?title | set the join message title |
join?color | set the join message color (with hex) |
leave?message | set the leave message |
leave?emoji | set the leave message emoji |
leave?title | set the leave message title |
leave?color | set the leave message color (with hex) |
set?channel | set the bot channel so the bot commands can only be executed right there |
set?logs | set the logs channel |
set?casino | set the casino channel so the casino commands can only be executed right there |
?ban | ban the mentioned user |
?kick | kick the mentioned user |
?mute | mute the mentioned user |
?tmute | mute temporary the mentioned user (max 2 minutes) |
?ava | show the mentioned user avatar in HD and give you the possibility to download it |
?work | work and earn money (you can work every 1 min) |
?bet | bet a certain amount you can win or lose |
?wal | see how much money you have |
?uwal | see how much money the mentioned user have |
?steal | steal the cash of mentioned user (you can steal someone every 10 minutes) |
?crime | you can win a lot or lose a lot (you can commit a crime every 10 minutes) |
?pull | withdraw a certain amount from your bank (pull?all to withdraw all) |
?fill | deposit a certain amount of money in your bank (fill?all to deposit all) |
c?add | add the amount you want to the mentioned user bank account (Only Admins) |
c?remove | remove the amount you want from the mentioned user bank account (Only Admins) |
?gift | give money from your bank to the mentioned user |
2 reviews
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5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
almost 4 years ago
ITS SUCH AN AMAZING BOT but literally fuck you it’s never online