Stickyman was created so users can get the chance to get their messages out there! Stickyman allows you to set a sticky message that will always stay at the bottom and never get moved up! All users will see this message.
You can choose the channel and have a different sticky for each channel if you wanted! All updates are posted in our support discord! You can get all the information by doing !help or !commands.
Need assistance or facing an issue? Join the official Fuel Development server, click here
Command | Usage | Description |
stickyadd | !stickyadd (message) | Allows you to create a sticky. |
stickyremove | !stickyremove | Removes the sticky from the command channel |
stickyem | !stickyem (message) | Will let you set a sticky in a embed. |
giveaway | !giveaway (channel) (time) (winners) (prize) | Allows you to create a giveaway in command channel |
embed | !embed (title) (description) | Will allow you to create a simple embed |
purge | !purge (amount) | Clears the requested amount of messages. |
whois | !whois (@user) | Display information on a user |
ping | !ping | View the bots ping details |
poll | !poll [channel | message] [message] | Create a simple yes or no poll |
avatar | !avatar (@user) | Display a certain users avatar image |
prefix | !prefix (new prefix) | Changes the bots prefix for the server |
covid | !covid (country) | View the latest covid-19 stats |
weather | !weather (town | state) | Displays live Weather Stats for the requested place. |
prefix | !prefix (new prefix) | Changes the bots prefix for the server |
commands | !commands | Shows all the commands inside StickyMan |
botinfo | !botinfo | Allows you to see information on the bot. |
links | !links | Allows you to view important links. |
8ball | !8ball (question) | You ask me a random question and I give an answer. |
rps | !rps (rock | paper | scissors) | Play a game of rock paper scissors against me |
coinflip | !coinflip | Lets you flip a coin and it will land on Heads or Tails. |