7 months ago
The bot is kind of good but when we do player versus player if someone offers draw and opponent doesnt accept he can just type / view and get the option accept draw and the opponent loses elo thats a very bad feature
Chess Bot is a bot that can play chess with you. You can challenge the bot with $challenge and move with $move
README for version 3.2.1
Chess Bot is a discord bot that plays chess and lets you play chess with friends in your servers. It also has a built-in elo rating system.
You can use the command $challenge
to start a game of chess.
Use $challenge user
to challenge another person, or $challenge bot
to challenge a bot.
Use $move
to make a move. Make sure your move is in SAN (Standard Algebraic Notation) or UCI (Universal Chess Interface). Otherwise, the bot will not understand it.
Use $view
to view your game.
You can challenge multiple levels of the bot. Make sure to specify which level you want to play when using the $challenge
Use the $profiles
command to see a list of all levels you can challenge, and use $profile view <tag>
to learn more about a specific bot.
Note: the tag of a bot is not the same as it's name. For example, the tag of the bot "Chess Bot level 1" is cb1
Chess Bot uses a custom built engine to determine which moves it plays. (It's not very good though, because I built it, and I'm bad at coding).
You can also play against various levels of stockfish 14.
To prevent people from abandoning a the game without loss of rating, you will automatically resign if you do not make a move for 3 days.
You will receive a low time warning when you only have 1 day left.
Use $time
to see how much time you have left.
All of the below commands are now implemented as slash commands. Be sure to invite Chess Bot with the new invite link (https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=801501916810838066&permissions=2147795008&scope=bot%20applications.commands) to be able to use them.
challenge: Challenges Chess Bot to a game.
move <move>: Plays <move> against the computer.
resign: Resigns the game.
view: Views your current game.
theme: Change your board theme
time: Sends how much time you have left.
profiles: Sends a list of which profiles you can challenge.
fen: Sends current game in FEN format.
rating: Tells you your rating
leaderboard: Shows top rated players.
rank: Shows your rank out of all rated players
stats: Sends your stats.
These commands require special permissions.
botinfo: Sends basic info and stats about the bot
ping: Sends "Pong!" and gives latency
vote: Gifts you 5 rating points after voting for Chess Bot on top.gg
invite: Sends a like to invite Chess bot to a server.
Use $help
to see a list of all the commands.
To get more information about any command, use $help [command]
Usage syntax: <arg>
means a required argument, [arg]
means an optional argument.
Please report all bugs you find in the Chess Bot support server https://discord.gg/Bm4zjtNTD2.
6 reviews
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7 months ago
The bot is kind of good but when we do player versus player if someone offers draw and opponent doesnt accept he can just type / view and get the option accept draw and the opponent loses elo thats a very bad feature
over 3 years ago
i recommend this bot an i like the vs bot option and this bot really need some ratings after over 1000 people tried it
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