A social bot based on the Danganronpa character, Makoto Naegi.
Makoto Naegi is a discord bot that is solely for user entertainment.
Currently the commands in the Makoto Naegi bot are:
n!dailymoney - Get your daily 200 G! (24 hour cooldown)
n!feed - Feed Makoto a food (must be in emoji form!)
n!hope - Makoto sends you a random quote to help give you hope!
n!inventory - Check what cards you have pulled!
n!investigate - Makoto and someone investigate! (Or attach an image to investigate with Makoto)
n!job - Have Makoto work for you to earn some G!
n!kinassign - Makoto assigns you (or others) a kin from one of his classmates!
n!kiss - Have Makoto give you (or others) a kiss!
n!luckchecker - Find out your luck for the day! (24 hour cooldown)
n!murder - Murder your friends or your enemies! (15 second cooldown)
n!pull - Pull a card at the Monokuma Death Card machine to get cards of your favorite characters! (Costs 10 G per pull with a 5 second cooldown!)
n!support - Sends an invite to the support server.
n!thoughts - Ask Makoto about his friends/classmates!
n!ultimateassigner - Find out your friends/your Ultimate (or what Makoto thinks you would be!)
n!vent - Vent to Makoto about your problems and get advice on how to destress!
n!wallet - Check how much G you have!
n!wedding - Get married to Makoto or have your friends marry him! (Or attach an image to marry Makoto).
With much more to come!
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