Information technology based bot can search ethical hacking queries and comes with tons of linux tools.
✅ Bot has officially been verified by Discord
❖ The bot is intended for users who are interested in Cybersecurity, InfoSec, CTFs, and Bug Bounty programs. Our goal is to add handy OSINT, Cryptography, Forensics, and Recon tools commands that can help with penetration testing, bug bounty, and capture-the-flag activities. As part of the bot, you can also play CTF hacking challenges on your server and receive certification for each challenge you complete, and you can join the leaderboard to compete against thousands of other users.
->Bot prefix is sudo
-> Type: sudo help - for all bot commands
-> Type: sudo cd <folder_name> - to open folder
Bot commands usage details:
◉ sudo ip <ip> - can fetch IP information
◉ sudo phlookup <number> <country_name_code> - caller id lookup
◉ sudo checkpass <password> - Check password is compromised or not
◉ sudo domain <domain> - fetch domain details
◉ sudo socialmedia <username> - find profiles by username, checked on over 100+ websites.
◉ sudo header <url> - fetch website header.
◉ sudo wayback <url> - The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of www.
◉ sudo pagelink <url> - Fetch all the website pages.
◉ sudo shareddns <url> - Fetch all shared dns.
◉ sudo hostsearch <url> - Fetch hosts.
◉ sudo dnslookup <url> - Fetch DNS.
◉ sudo hidemsg "msg" -e/d "secret msg" - hide message in measage(zerowidth).
◉ sudo sha <text> - find all hashes for given text.
◉ sudo md5 <text> - MD5 hash.
◉ sudo url -e/d <url> - encode/decode url.
◉ sudo braille -e/d <msg> - encode/decode braille.
◉ sudo d_image - decode message from image.
◉ sudo scan <url> - Scan website for virus
◉ sudo tempmail <any_name> - Generate real temporary email
◉ sudo tinyurl <url> - shorten any URL
◉ sudo ping <domain> - can ping any domain to check his latency and find site status also fetch IP of domain
◉ sudo color
or sudo color <hex>
- can find hex of any color or generate random hex code color
◉ sudo iambig <emoji>
- make emoji bigger
◉ sudo remind <5m> <msg>
- reminder command, can ask bot to remind for anything.
◉ sudo recover
- can recover last deleted message in discord server.
◉ sudo recover edit
- can recover last edited message in discord server.
◉ sudo base64 -e <msg>` - To encode in base64
◉ sudo base64 -d <msg> - To decode in base64
◉ sudo rot -e <type_of_rot ex:13> <msg>
- encode any rot
◉ sudo rot -d <type_of_rot> <msg>
- decode any rot
◉ sudo curl <url> <grep_obj>
- grep obj from URL
◉ sudo expand <url> - Expand any URL
◉ sudo address <place_name> - Find any place address
◉ sudo gps <latitude> <longitude> - Find latitude & longitude
◉ sudo zipcode <zipcode> - Find any zipcode address
◉ sudo noperson - this person does not exist.
◉ sudo fakeprofile - Generate fake profile.
◉ sudo qrcode <data>` - QR Code Generator
◉ sudo cd ctf - play 20+ CTF. complete on leaderboard and get certified
◉ The bot comes with 300+ commands can’t show all of them here, invite the bot and type sudo help in your server to fetch all commands
14 reviews
Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.
5 stars
4 stars
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1 star
over 2 years ago
This is one of the most unique and intricate bots that I saw released in a good function form from early development! After only around 4-5min of utilizing this bot, I knew it would be one that no matter where I set up, would surely be added to my server(s) or those I help! Not only does it have features needed to keep your Discord secure, but also your actual daily virtual life devices! I really ...
about 3 years ago
Such a great tool Thankyou very much developer now i not need to open virtual box again and again for small stuff really thats a great idea i appreciate u. thanks a lot. The most amazing things i like for this bot is no need to connect with your own api . It is ready to use tool thats nice. Hope it will be free for us lifetime and also want to see more tools in it.
over 3 years ago
The BESTT cyber-security themed bot I've seen, it's fun in the server and has a ton of ""geeky"" commands. Perfect for any server especially cybersecurity based :chef_kiss:
over 3 years ago
Not just another discord bot. It’s very advanced well developed and designed. learn ethical hacking, cyber security and tons of tip and tricks. bot comes with loads of useful linux OSNIT tools. if u come from information technology field this is the last bot u need.