An alternate version of DuBot that uses slash commands.
Slash commands are the feature discord is pushing in which you press / and a list of commands appears.
The bot has many features which can enhance the experience for the users in your server. These features are listed below.
The bot can do automatic welcome and leave messages if enabled.
/lockchannel - Locks the current channel or the channel you specify. /unlockchannel - Unlocks the current channel or the channel you specify. /mute - Mutes a user ( Mute means they cannot talk ), it sends the muted user an embed of what server they were muted in and why. /unmute - Unmutes a user if they are muted), it sends the unmuted user an embed of what server they were unmuted in. /ban - Bans a user with a reason, it sends the banned user an embed of what server they were banned in and why. /kick - Kicks a user with a reason, it sends the kicked user an embed of what server they were kicked in and why. /toggle_tickets - Turns the ticket feature on or off. /create_ticket - Creates a ticket if tickets are enabled. /slowmode - Sets the slowmode in the current channel to an amount. /clear - Clears the amount of messages from the current channel.
/meme - Sends a random hot meme from r/memes /subreddit - Sends a random hot post from the subreddit provided /randomreddit - Sends a random post from a random subreddit /random_name - Sends a randomly generated person with an age, name, gender and picture. /fact - Sends a random fact /cat - Sends a random cat photo /activity - Sends a random activity /say - Says something as the bot. /reverse - Reverses the given text /coin - Flips a coin /roll - Rolls a dice from the lowest and highest given ( default is 1-6 ) /rps - Play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors againt the bot. /number_guess - Play a number guessing game against the bot. /gay - Sends a percentage of how gay you are ( a joke command not to be taken seriously ) /embed - Custom embed creator /yn - Responds with a yes or no answer /8ball - Get answers from the 8ball
/vote - Vote for the bot on the available websites. /math - Does basic calculations /colour - Sends a random colour. /bug - Reporting bugs with the bot /idea - Send ideas for the bot /welcome_option - Toggle welcome messages /leave_option - Toggle leave messages
/bitcoin - Sends the current price of bitcoin in £ $ € /uptime - Sends the uptime of the bot /ping - Sends the ping of the bot /avatar - Sends the avatar of a user /channel_info - Sends information on a channel /role_info - Sends information on a role /guild_info - Sends information on the guild /user_info - Sends information on a user /invite - Sends the bots invite link /information - Sends information on the bot.
As you can see, this bot has many features that you can use and has multiple purposes and can replace the clutter of having mutiple bots.
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