The #1 utility bot for (owned by Noobcrew)
This bot can do anything from querying players, grabbing server info, to looking up forums profiles.
Bot Commands /sbaccount - Shows information about users name history and skin. Must use full username /sbavatar - Provides a rendered avatar of the player searched for. Must use full username /sbdebug - (Bot Staff Only) Provides debugging info for the bot. /sbdiscord - Provides links for the Skyblock Discord server /sbeconomy - Shows players connected to Skyblock Economy /sbemojis - Replies with useful links to public Skyblock-related emoji servers. /sbforums - Shows details about a forums profile that is linked to a username. Must use full username. /sbfriends - Shows the full friends list on the player searched for. Must use full username. /sbheads - Shows a list of all Skyblock heads (from drop parties/events/etc). /sbhelp - Shows all available commands /sbinfo - Replies with information & stats about the current discord & bot! /sbip - Shows all valid server IPs /sblevel - Checks your level in the skyblock discord. /sblinkforums - Provides useful information on how to link your minecraft /sbaccount to your forums account /sblinks - Shows all available links /sblist - Shows all players connected to Survival & Economy & Skywars /sbmods - Replies with useful information about obtaining the unofficial skyblock mods. /sbnick - Generates a 'seasonified' nickname for in-game use on skyblock. /sbping - Replies with Pong! to show bot responsiveness /sbplayer - Shows detailed information on the player searched for. Must use full username. /sbplayers - Shows number of players connected to all Skyblock servers /sbrecentpurchases - Provides a list of most recent purchases on the skyblock store. /sbreport - Provides report links for Skyblock servers and forums /sbrep - Look up a player's skyblock reputation (based on other player's submissions). /sbrules - Gives links to in-game and forums rules /sbsearch - Checks if any players are currently online matching search description /sbshop - Provides a link to the Skyblock store page /sbshops - Provides useful shop islands to visit on Survival & Economy /sbskywars - Shows players connected to Skywars. /sbstaff - Provides a list of all staff members that are online. /sbstatus - Shows the current status of Survival, Economy and SkyWars. /sbsurvival - Shows players connected to Skyblock Survival /sbtranslate - Translates a provided message to english. /sbupdate - Provides useful information about the skyblock 1.19.2 update. /sbuseful - Provides useful links for Skyblock servers
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