Timezone bot helps you convert timezones and create live countdowns
The TimeZone Bot helps you with timezones. When you call it with a time and timezone it answers by telling you how many hours and minutes until the time happens. You can also call it with a date.
Use the commands by calling the bot with @Time Zone Bot
Use !help to see the available commands and how to use them
!convert(date) {time} {timezone} to {timezone to convert to or a list of timezones}
Use this command to convert the entered time to as many timezones as you want
!toUTC(date) {time} {timezone}
Converts the entered time to UTC
!get followed by a time and time zone (date is optional). The order should be date time time zone. The bot supports many date and time formats so you can use what you want.
!create the same way as !get, but this time the bot creates a countdown to that time and responds with a link to a countdown website.
The bot requires permissions to read and send messages.
10 reviews
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over 2 years ago
I thought this would create a voice channel showing my timezone to show what time of the day the server is active. Instead it's a confusing way of grabbing timezones where I have to use google just to figure out how to use it. Defeats the point in the bot lol.
about 3 years ago
This bot is what it says it is. It's super easy and I recommend this but if your server consist of many different time zones.
over 3 years ago
Showing offline. Is this maintenance related or did it get deactivated?
over 3 years ago
This does precisely what I needed it to. Extremely easy to understand and completely simple to use commands. The only issue I have with this is the lack of way to change the prefix, but other than that, this bot is absolutely stellar.
almost 4 years ago
This bot does what it should do. It can tell you the time until a time in a different timezone and/or convert a time to UTC. It could be more user friendly like not waiting for the "to" between two timezones. No online time tracking or anything else. Why should anyone think it could do something which is not stated in the description?
about 4 years ago
Not yet used. I try to understand the finality of this bot. I though we can know the hour of our members with this... But explanations are so obscure that I don't know if we shall keep this bot...