Get Information of Users on Mixer - Get the Status of Mixers Servers
This bot can get information on Mixer Users and can also get the status of Mixers servers
! Please do m!help for a full list of commands !
m!userstats [Mixer Username] - Shows you Statistics about the Mixer User
m!banner [Mixer Username] - Shows you the Banner of the Mixer User
m!followers [Mixer Username] - Shows you the amount of followers for the Mixer User
m!views [Mixer Username] - Shows you the total views of the Mixer User
m!system - Displays all the servers involved with Mixer (API, Video, Notifications Servers and more)
m!overall - Gets the current description of Mixer Status
m!voice - Displays all the Video regional servers status's
m!videodis- Displays all of the Video Distrubtion Servers status's
m!notification - Displays all of the Notification Servers status's
m!recent - Displays information on the most recent incident
Ratings & Reviews
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