over 1 year ago
i have installed this bot but it does not start on my server also when i type t!time or t!users it is only sent as a text message (edited)
A simple timezone bot for Discord servers. Allows users to set their timezone, then passively notes timezones when appropriate.
Allows users to set their timezone, then passively notes timezones when appropriate.
100% guaranteed to be useful and not annoying.
Allows users to set their timezone, then passively notes timezones when appropriate.
See all users' set timezones in your server.
Use natural language to choose location names.
Get the timezone for anywhere in the world!
Read more about this project here.
t!time <user, role, or location name>
to see the current time for a specific user or in a specific place.t!timein <location name>
to see the current time in a specific place.t!set <city or country name>
to set your own timezone. (UTC codes also work, e.g. 'UTC+3', 'UTC-8')t!users
or t!all
to see all users' set timezones. (use t!here
to restrict to the current channel)t!role <@role>
to see the timezones for all users in a role.t!at <time> <user or location>
to see all users' times from the viewpoint of a specific time and place. Day of the week is optional. (i.e. t!at Mon 5PM Cairo
. Use t!at here <time> <user or location>
to restrict to the current channel.)t!me
to see your set timezone.t!removeme
to delete your set timezone.t!info
or t!help
to show a message listing all commands.t!prefix <new prefix>
to set the prefix for bot commands. Defaults to "t!"t!setuser <@user> <location name>
- Set the timezone for a user in the server.t!removeuser <@user>
- Remove the timezone for a user in the server.t!format
- Toggles between 12 and 24-hour format.t!autorespond
- Toggles auto-responses on/off.t!adminonly
- Toggles admin mode on/off. (Only server admins can invoke most commands)t!deletecommand
- Toggles bot command deletion on/off.t!deleteresponse <number of seconds (optional)>
- Sets bot response deletion time. Don't add a number to turn off.t!suppresswarnings
- Toggles bot admin warnings on/off.(All commands can be run by using the first letter of the command, e.g. 't!s Chicago' to set. '!time' becomes 't!t'.)
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over 1 year ago
i have installed this bot but it does not start on my server also when i type t!time or t!users it is only sent as a text message (edited)
almost 3 years ago
the bot has worked for a very good while. It was very functional and had no issues. But out of the blue, it's been down for the past few weeks and idk if its going through maitenence
over 3 years ago
It's pretty helpful but it's just that it won't ship up every time someone reply to another's message (people who sets their time) but I guess I just did something wrong >3o