A bot to rank Fortnite players.
Fortnite Ranker is a bot that ranks all the Fortnite players in a server.
First, you need to link your Fortnite account to your discord account:
f!link (pc, xbl, psn) (Your Fortnite username)
Then you can now campare your Fortnite skills with your friends! f!rank
Not many people on the list? Ask people to link their account too! Having a companion is nice.
Remember to refresh your stats once in a while. If you get a Victory Royale™ you may want to refresh your status right after for your friends to see your glory! To refresh use this command: f!refresh
If you are still confuzzled(confused) just use the help command: f!help
Or contact me: Enigma#3855
Or join the support server: https://discord.gg/eRkUHC9
Good luck getting those Victory Royale™
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