Multipurpose moderation bot with some fun commands
Lunar Now Has Bump Commands!!! use !init and !desc to edit your bump!
Lunar Help
Heya! I'm Lunar, a kawaii bot for helping you with your server and making fun of users some times.
I have 60 commands (and counting!)
For help with a command, use help commandName
prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.
groups: Lists all command groups.
enable: Enables a command or command group.
disable: Disables a command or command group.
reload: Reloads a command or command group.
load: Loads a new command.
unload: Unloads a command.
exec: Run something on terminal
reloadlunar: Lunar master-switch - Reload shards, website, canvas systems, dbl posting system. Everything.
giveaway: Make a giveaway
randomcat: Who doesn't love cat pictures...
randomdog: Who doesn't love dog pictures...
randomfact: A random fact
ship: The best husband!
clapify: Make:clap:clapifyed:clap:text.
mock: i Am A MIneCRaFt PLaYer!1!
say: Make me say something
searchmessage: Search a message on the actual channel.
vaporwave: M a k e v a p o r w a v e t e x t.
addiam: Add a role to iam.
ban: Ban someone
bwf: Block some word on your server
eventlog: Enable or disable my eventlog
globalchat: Enable or disable my global chat
iam: Buy a role with Lunar coins.
kick: Kick someone
mentionwarn: Wanna know who mention you and deleted it? Use this function.
mute: Mute someone from your server!
muted: Check users muted.
roleall: Give a role to all members
softban: Softban someone
welcomemessage: Enable or disable my Welcome Message
hug: You are so beautiful...Let me give you a hug
aboutme: Change your profile text!
addshoprole: Add a role to Lunar Shop.
balance: Are you rich?
buyrole: Buy a role with Lunar coins.
daily: Get your daily coins!
mybackground: Change your profile text!
pay: Give money to someone
profile: Get the profile of someone
roleshop: Show a list of avaliable roles to buy.
addemoji: Add a emoji to your guild - you will love this command if you are lazy.
avatar: You are so beautiful...
botinfo: Some information
colorrole: Changes a color of a role.
deleteemoji: Delete a emoji from your guild - you will love this command if you are lazy.
userinfo: Get some userinfo
stats: My status, master!
serverinfo: Get info about a server
ping: Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server.
npm: Search a package on Node Package Manager
mdn: Search something on Mozilla Developers Network
math: Do some math!
invite: My invite to add me on your server!
help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
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