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Purity 🐰

Purity 🐰




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Pets | Custom Ranks | Reaction Roles | Polls | Giveaways | Birthdays | Server Shop | Economy | Logging | Twitch | Games | Auto Role

Purity Bot

Use !help or purity!help for a full list of commands


🎊 Purity has officially hit 30,000 active servers!! 🎊

Main Features

Pet System
Allow users to adopt an animal (choose from over 40 different kinds of pets!) to train, level up, and fight with. Includes tons of unique features that will make players addicted to your server and makes currency worthwhile!

Custom Ranks
Allow your players to buy or earn ranks (server roles)! Can require money, levels, or even another role before obtaining!

Marriage System
Want to have some relationships on your server?

Mod/Admin Roles
Allow your mods/admins to have access to special commands!

Auto Moderation
Setup word blacklists, put people in timeout, prevent discord invite links, and more!

Voice Chat Roles
Setup roles to be auto assigned when a user leaves/joins a voice channel

Reaction Roles
Let players assign (and unassign) themselves ranks just by reacting to a specific message!

Enjoy your very own leveling and currency system! Customize LEVELING EQUATION, gains from messages, daily bonus amounts, currency name, give/set points, etc.!

Server Shop
Create and customize your very own Server Shop!

Auto Role
Automatically assign a role to members when they join!

Track and announce birthdays within your server!

Welcome Messages
Customize your own welcome messages and send them via DM or in a channel!

Have extra currency around? Try your hand at some gambling games!

Create reaction polls for your users to vote in!

Host a variety of giveaways for members of your discord (incld. role and level requirements)!

Twitch Alerts
Have a favorite streamer(s) in your community? Let people know when they go live!

Keep track of notes in your personalized notebook!

Logs discord events (joins, leaves, message modifications, attachments, nickname changes, and more)

Fun Stuff
There are tons of other features such as meme generators, My Hero Academia quotes, dice rolls, and more to explore!

Purity Bot is in constant development. More features are planned and already in development to be released in the coming weeks!

Come join the support channel to add suggestions, report bugs, and provide feedback! I love adding features you want!



Version 5.2.0
Posted: 2/1/2021

Quality of life and laying the foundations for v6, what is that?

New Features
  • Added !dashboard command to get the link easier
  • Added !rr test <@role> command to test whether a reaction role will work in a channel
  • Added !config twitchmessage - to change the text with the '@here' sent with each Twitch Livestream Alert.
  • Added pet Raccoons, Deers, Axolotl can now be adopted
  • Added embed image for Welcome Messages - !config welcomeimage
  • Added embed image for Birthday Messages - !config bdayimage
  • Added infrastructure for many many more pets - prep for pets 2.0
  • Added infrastructure for many many more enemies for pets to fight - prep for pets 2.0
  • Added infrastructure for modlogs 2.0
  • Added disconnect timed out users from voice chats
  • Added timezone support - !config timezone - This uses official timezones to apply daylight savings also
  • Added timezone support for birthdays
  • Added timezone support for giveaways
  • Added !ranks add/edit/remove/list - replaces the old !config ranks
  • Added rolling restart for Purity's network to avoid longer downtimes during restarts
  • Added !slowmode - Enable slowmode on a channel for 1 message every x seconds
  • Added support for all valid color codes (words, numbers and html codes) in the embed generator
  • Added user account age on join embed
  • Added 27 new pins to the Pin Shop! Best of luck!!
  • Added multi-page support to !pinshop because too many pins
  • Added !alltimeouts to show every timeout including those that left the server
  • Added Coin Toss Challenge - challenge others players to a coin toss with money on the line! (!cointoss)
  • Added 12 new sounds! (ohno, nut, laughing, clapping, machinegun, victory, leviosa, discord, amongus, kek, bennyhill and soupstore)
  • Added !twitchmessage to see your customized Twitch message as it would appear in the notification
  • Added !slowmode to toggle slowmode via command for any channel at any speed
  • Added dynamic scaling to !pet fight to remove the previous soft-cap at level 50 (now you can keep fighting without hitting impossible roadblocks!)
  • Added over 35 new monsters to fight in !pet fight
  • Added 2 new pet crates (potions crate and power-ups crate)
  • Added 4 new power-up items to increase pet stats + 1 new potion to fully heal
  • Added pet medals system (only a few for now)
  • Added pet battle tracking (won't include old fights)
    • Tweaked !config to now be combined with !config help and offer a better user experience
    • Tweaked !daily is slightly cooler
    • Tweaked voice chat role handling
    • Tweaked pet action text to use multiple lines
    • Tweaked !glist now differentiates between running and ended giveaways
    • Tweaked !vcroleremove no longer requires a role to remove it. Only requires a channel ID
    • Tweaked !rradd will no longer allow you to add Discord managed roles
    • Tweaked reaction role massive overhaul
    • Tweaked timeout role massive overhaul
    • Tweaked timeouts should no longer attempt to spam people if there is API issues
    • Tweaked timeout list only shows people still in the guild. !alltimeouts to see everything
    • Tweaked music player should retry once when abnormal network conditions occur
    • Tweaked internal handling of settings to prevent even more errors
    • Tweaked server shop to show in descending price order
    • Tweaked server shop lists will generate after discounting unavailable items, not before
    • Tweaked pet dashboard to look nicer
    • Tweaked pet battles to look nicer
    • Tweaked guild settings handling
    • Tweaked leaderboard no longer displays users who have left the guild
    • Tweaked giveaways to only update timer less often to prevent api spam
    • Tweaked using emojis to swap between menus to no longer require double clicking
    • Tweaked level notification will now also indicate if you receive a rank for leveling up
    • Tweaked some commands to have additional aliases
    • Tweaked !patreon to now indicate where to go and what features are available in Premium
    • Tweaked leaderboards to show your particular position as well (in case your not in top 10)
    • Tweaked leaderboard to display levels as the default instead of points
    • Tweaked duel to no longer support copy pasting
    • Tweaked the appearance of !pet shop
    • Tweaked the names and contents for some pet crates
    • Tweaked custom ranks to now work from !ranks instead of !config ranks
      • Fixed Pets now fight things other than leaves
      • Fixed family trees with too long lists of people. Discord doesnt like long things apparently.
      • Fixed fully check discord permissions before trying to send messages
      • Fixed message purging throwing errors
      • Fixed negative xp on profiles (hopefully) - this is getting re-written soon
      • Fixed discord api changes
      • Fixed Twitch names with markdown characters are properly escaped
      • Fixed word black lists applying empty string to pattern match anything
      • Fixed clashing command groups
      • Fixed voice chat roles no longer applied to bots
      • Fixed voice chat roles no longer get removed when they shouldn't be removed
      • Fixed missing permission errors
      • Fixed Vote points actually returns something other than 0
      • Fixed Twitch trackers no longer try to process too many channels at once
      • Fixed mixer into retirement
      • Fixed duel showing incorrect names
      • Fixed bug where voice chat roles could sometimes duplicate logs

        Version 5.1.0
        Posted: 6/14/2020

        Trust me. - BT-7274, Titanfall 2

        New Features
        • Added [PREMIUM] Timeout System - put people in timeout (advanced mute feature) and automatically remove the role when it is over
        • Added [PREMIUM] Timeout System - supports extending timeouts if people leave/join and will punish `@everyone` `@here` abusers
        • Added [PREMIUM] Timeout System - !timeout, !timeouts, !untimeout, !timeoutchange, !timeoutreason
        • Added [PREMIUM] Timeout System - !config timeoutrole, !config timeoutchannel, !config timeoutmassmentions, !config timeoutlogschannel
        • Added 7 new soundboard sounds: allgood, aaaa, odarn, bigbig, triedsohard, sponge, and dream
        • Added !work - earn money every 15m from working! (!config workmoney to set how much can be earned)
        • Added !crime - earn money every 15m from committing crimes, but be careful! (!config crimemoney to set how much can be earned)
        • Added !explore - earn money every 10m from exploring! (!config exploremoney to set how much can be earned)
        • Added !hunt - earn money every 5m from hunting! (!config huntmoney to set how much can be earned)
        • Added !fish - earn money every 5m from fishing! (!config fishmoney to set how much can be earned)
        • Added !compliment - earn money every 1m from complimenting people! (!config complimentmoney to set how much can be earned)
        • Added music player support for Spotify song requests!
        • Added !blackjack (I've already played it waaaaaaaay too much)
        • Added 2 new pins for achieving voting milestones on Purity and a number of new summer pins available in !pinshop
        • Added !duel to let you duel people now (with betting of course)
        • Added !del to let you delete a message via its link (will DM user + still leave a mod log)
          • Tweaked !family to now handle EXTRA LARGE families rather than error out
          • Tweaked !config slightly to group certain settings more
          • Tweaked !config messagepoints to now accept a range similar to xp (randomize the amount of points earned per message)
            • Fixed a bug that prevented you from editing a server shop item's emoji to be a default Discord emoji
            • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented you from divorcing someone whom left the server
            • Fixed a bug where [object Promise] showed on Twitch notification messages (sorry!)
            • Fixed a bug where the !config help page for custom ranks was not displaying
            • Fixed a bug where modlogs were showing a bunch of role changes whenever the role hierarchy moved around
            • Fixed a few bugs where the dashboard was not working properly
            • Fixed a bug that caused Purity to crash on some servers
            • Fixed a bug where Purity would show random add role logs (hopefully)

              Version 5.0.0
              Posted: 5/31/20

              Large codebase overhaul to bring us some much needed backend updates.

              New Features
              • Added Support for Discord.js v12
                • Tweaked when you change everyone's points to now update level at the same time (instead of when they next interact)
                  • Fixed a bug where chipmunk could not be adopted (poor little things)
                  • Fixed a bug where false mod logs would occasionally show for role additions

                    Version 4.7.1
                    Posted: 3/31/20

                    Praise the sun! – Dark Souls

                    • Fixed a bug where you could marry/adopt yourself
                    • Fixed a bug when changing level equation
                    • Fixed a bug with birthdays not announcing properly

                      Version 4.7.0
                      Posted: 3/21/20

                      Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better. Chief, Animal Crossing

                      New Features
                      • Added Family System 1.0 (<3 UwU <3)
                      • Added !adopt - adopt someone to be your child
                      • Added !disown - kick your child or parent to the curb
                      • Added !propose - ask someone to marry you
                      • Added !divorce - things not working out? dump'em.
                      • Added !family - see who your (or whomever) parents, siblings, and children are
                      • Added 10 new types of pets to be adopted! (Ant, Bear, Bee, Bull, Chick, Chipmunk, Llama, Ram, Skunk, and Turkey)
                        • Tweaked !remove to now take all and everyone as arguments so you can reduce everyone's points by a certain amount
                        • Tweaked !pet heal to heal pets between 1-3 health
                        • Tweaked !pet hug to increase happiness for pets between 1-3 happiness
                        • Tweaked !pet play to increase happiness for pets between 1-3 happiness
                        • Tweaked !pet walk to increase happiness for pets between 5-15, exp 3-7
                        • Tweaked !pet train to increase exp between 5-15
                          • Fixed a bug where the command list sometimes broke on the website
                          • Fixed a bug where !pet adopt would display the type of pet you adopted twice
                          • Fixed a bug where birthdays were announcing later than expected
                          • Fixed a very rare bug where some users were starting with 0 points instead of the guild's default
                          • Fixed a bug where pets were losing mood/hunger way too quickly
                          • Fixed a bug where DM parameter was not working as intended for !config welcomechannel

                            Version 4.6.0
                            Posted: 2/7/20

                            I'm bad at making patch descriptions...Here's a doggo 🐶

                            New Features
                            • Added Voice Chat Roles - auto assign/remove roles when a user joins specific voice chat channels [PREMIUM]
                            • Added !vcroles - see all configured Voice Chat Roles
                            • Added !vcrolesadd - create a new voice chat role
                            • Added !vcrolesremove - remove a voice chat role
                            • Added !twilight to the soundboard (DODODODODODODODO)
                            • Added support for deleting messages from a specific user using the !purge
                            • Added 2 new wumpus pins to !pinshop (enjoy)
                            • Added !changemymind meme generator
                            • Added !config xpcooldown
                            • Added premium music server of premium servers [PREMIUM]
                              • Tweaked the confirmation when setting a birthday to indicate UTC (timezone support will eventually be added)
                              • Tweaked react roles and auto role to now notify you if it will be able to give out the role or not (Purity must be above the role for it to be given out)
                              • Tweaked !purge to now work with up to the last 500 messages in a channel
                                • Fixed a bug with !ssgive throwing an incorrect error (thanks blueberryhope!)
                                • Fixed a bug with !notepad add sometimes throwing an error if you hadn't used the bot before
                                • Fixed the pointsystem disable option having an extra s in the options list
                                • Fixed the fishing module showing up on help commands (not implemented)
                                • Fixed a bug with leaderboards not always showing the correct order (irritated me)

                                  Version 4.5.0
                                  Posted: 1/19/20

                                  Couple of new additions and changes

                                  New Features
                                  • Added the ability to log attachments/images on your server using !config logimagechannel
                                  • Added premium perks for Patreon supporters (see website for details)
                                  • Added (premium) a fully customizable ticketing system (premium only at this time using our patreon (https://www.patreon.com/dannypent)
                                  • Added (premium) !lock to temporarily prevent ANYONE but mods/admins from sending messages in a channel (helps with raids; currently premium only)
                                  • Added (premium) ability to change the background and text colors of !profile using !config profile
                                    • Tweaked a number of commands to no longer require MANAGE MESSAGE permissions
                                    • Tweaked !profile to now accepts !rank
                                      • Fixed bug that occasionally happened when a server shop item had no role requirement

                                        Version 4.4.0
                                        Posted: 1/1/2020

                                        The tiny 2020 kickoff patch.

                                        New Features
                                        • Added a word/phrase blacklist to help moderate your server! Have Purity auto remove messages (setup using !wordblacklist, !wordblacklist add, and !wordblacklist remove)
                                        • Added a semi-working way to prevent people from sharing discord invite links on your server (!config discordinvitelinks off)
                                        • Added !config botchannel to make it so you can allow commands for users in only 1 channel (mods/admins can use anywhere still)
                                        • Added !config messagexp to customize how much experience is awarded per message (any whole number ORRRR a range such as 1-15 to get between 1 and 15 exp per message)
                                        • Added !avatar to get a link to a user's avatar
                                        • Added a DJ Role configuration option to help lock down music controls (no more annoying friends or ENEMIES)
                                        • Added !repeat to let songs repeat
                                        • Added !config membercounttext to change the text for the Member Counting channel
                                        • Added !send to let players trade currency with one another (yeah.. we know. this should have been out awhile ago) (also you can use !pay)
                                        • Added a few new pins to the !pinshop for the holidays
                                        • Added !randomuser to select a random amount of users from your server
                                        • Added over 50 new roasts to !roast (oh boy.)
                                        • Added doubled the amount of !prank options (send us some if you have ideas)
                                          • Tweaked !lvl to now include how much experience is needed to level up
                                          • Tweaked config help to include membercountchannel
                                          • Tweaked tweaked the message modification moderator log to include a link to the message
                                          • Tweaked message deletion notifications to accommodate new auto moderation feature
                                          • Tweaked !config to be a bit more organized
                                          • Tweaked help text for !config help to resolve an issue with custom ranks
                                          • Tweaked !help to no longer require manage message permission (we still want to help you even if you don't want to let us do fancy magic)
                                            • Fixed a bug where sometimes !slot would mess up if you hadn't ever interacted with the bot before
                                            • Fixed a bug where putting all for resetpoints/resetlevels would not always work
                                            • Fixed a bug where mod logs would appear for region changes when discord forced them
                                            • Fixed a bug with !say

                                              Version 4.3.0
                                              Posted: 10/20/19

                                              Server Shop and more

                                              New Features
                                              • Added Customizable Server Shop - create and trade your own items, set their price, requirements, amount available, and more!!
                                              • Added orange as a color for !embed (Enjoy your spoopy-colored embeds)
                                              • Added config messagepoints to configure how many points get awarded per chat message (about time)
                                                • Tweaked !give to support lower and uppercase exp and points (why not?)
                                                • Tweaked how we restart shards in the event of errors
                                                • Tweaked music to handle Youtube a bit more appropriately (out of our hands at the moment)
                                                • Tweaked !help's config page to display a bit more easily
                                                • Tweaked !config help's page to display in a more friendly manner
                                                • Tweaked permission requirements for commands (should fix the IDK why this isn't working problems)
                                                  • Fixed a bug with slots not working unless you had checked your money or sent a message to earn money before playing
                                                  • Fixed an issue with one of the commands not showing proper help text

                                                    Version 4.1.1
                                                    Posted: 9/30/19

                                                    Small update: Pins, !votes, and some bug fixes

                                                    New Features
                                                    • Added a set of Minecraft pins to the !pinshop as well as a pretty animated Fall pin!
                                                    • Added !votes to see how many vote points you have (#QualityOfLife)
                                                      • Tweaked !notes to have a little notebook icon next to it (this shouldn't have been in the patch notes really, but I felt it was important - dannypent)
                                                      • Tweaked welcome messages to now properly mention the new member
                                                        • Fixed a bug with !rr not allowing you to swap between pages
                                                        • Fixed a bug where birthdays were not showing in date order

                                                          Version 4.1.0
                                                          Posted: 9/22/19

                                                          Music overhaul + Notebook + misc. bug fixes and changes

                                                          New Features
                                                          • Added an entirely redone music player
                                                          • Added music player now supports: youtube, soundcloud, vimeo, bandcamp, mixer, twitch, and shoutcast
                                                          • Added a notebook for you on every server; no more trying to remember! (!notebook, !notebook add, !notebook edit, !notebook delete)
                                                            • Tweaked !give to now allow you to give exp as well (!give @user exp 50) #QualityOfLife
                                                            • Tweaked !money to now work with !bal #QualityOfLife
                                                              • Fixed a bug with reaction roles not being able to be setup by command in other channels
                                                              • Fixed a bug with the !summon command not always working
                                                              • Fixed a bug with birthdays not displaying properly on mobile
                                                              • Fixed a bug with some database max boundaries

                                                                Version 3.6.1
                                                                Posted: 8/4/19

                                                                Just a quick little update (I'm so, so sorry.)

                                                                New Features
                                                                • Added over 100+ soundboard commands (!soundboard to check them all out)
                                                                • Added !remove to remove points from individual members
                                                                • Added !creeper (enjoy the meme --- must be in voice channel)
                                                                  • Tweaked Misc. music player things (should better tell you if something goes wrong)
                                                                    • Fixed A bug where !hangman leave was not shown in the game for hangman

                                                                      Version 3.6.0
                                                                      Posted: 7/16/19

                                                                      Ah, patch descriptions. No idea what to call this one.

                                                                      New Features
                                                                      • Added !config levelmessage so you can now customize the level notification message (about time)
                                                                      • Added !levelup to see how your custom level-up message looks
                                                                      • Added !weather to check the weather anywhere in the world (why not)
                                                                      • Added the option to use multiple of an item at once using !pet use in the pet system
                                                                      • Added a new spiderman pin to the !pinshop
                                                                      • Added !hangman (keep in mind it's only a demo version for now to gauge what people think)
                                                                        • Tweaked Twitch to use increased API limit calls to avoid missing livestreams.
                                                                        • Tweaked a certain easter egg command to no longer be used (we'll come up with better stuff)
                                                                        • Tweaked !level to now have an alias for !exp (I've typed it this way so many times, I'm tired of it not working)
                                                                          • Fixed a small bug with giveaways accepting improper time parameters (bet you didn't even notice)
                                                                          • Fixed a small bug with giveaways not letting you enter Now to run the giveaway instantly
                                                                          • Fixed a small bug with giveaways sometimes not showing the winners name, just their user ID
                                                                          • Fixed a bug where !config help wasn't displaying properly
                                                                          • Fixed a bug where images were not showing up on !boku (All for One was being a pain)
                                                                          • Fixed a bug where !help wouldn't display the config commands
                                                                          • Fixed a documentation issue with !config empoweradmins

                                                                            Version 3.5.0
                                                                            Posted: 6/17/19

                                                                            This patch is mostly a rewrite of the giveaway and twitch modules to make them work better (hope you enjoy!).

                                                                            New Features
                                                                            • Added !embed to make customized RichEmbeds (colored box messages)!
                                                                            • Added the option to have giveaways require a specific rank
                                                                            • Added the option to have giveaways require a certain level
                                                                            • Added the option to have giveaways pick multiple winners (up to 20)
                                                                            • Added !gcancel - to get rid of giveaways you no longer want
                                                                            • Added !glist - to see all active giveaways on your server
                                                                            • Added !gedit time - to change when a giveaway will pick winners
                                                                            • Added !gedit prize - to change the prize of a giveaway if something better comes along
                                                                            • Added !grun - to manually run a giveaway (you can also use it to select new winners up to 24h after a giveaway ends)
                                                                              • Tweaked twitch module to be faster and less broke (like it wasn't bad, but it was.... ok, we hated it too)
                                                                              • Tweaked !pinshop to no longer have the Avengers Pin (you had like 2 months, tough)
                                                                              • Tweaked the entire giveaway system - see !giveaway
                                                                              • Tweaked giveaways to no longer assign a temporary role to people that enter the giveaway
                                                                              • Tweaked giveaways to now update time remaining to enter
                                                                                • Fixed a bug with !set not giving exp (sorry)

                                                                                  Version 3.4.0
                                                                                  Posted: 6/2/19

                                                                                  It's been awhile since the last patch due to some vacations and busy time, but we're back! This patch has a few requests people have been looking for over the past few months.

                                                                                  New Features
                                                                                  • Added Custom birthday notifications! Check out !config bdaymessage for details.
                                                                                    • Tweaked !ranks to display custom ranks in numerical price order (descending order)! Note: Ranks without a price WILL BE LAST
                                                                                    • Tweaked !pinshop to now have a new stock of pins (some old, some new)
                                                                                    • Tweaked !config levelequation to update the levels of all members to match the new equation
                                                                                      • Fixed a bug with level notifications not appearing where a user last sent a message with the 'everywhere' setting (sorry senpai!)
                                                                                      • Fixed a bug where vote counts were not displaying correctly in !server
                                                                                      • Fixed a bug where twitch notifications stopped working (blame people that no longer use Purity)

                                                                                        Version 3.3.1
                                                                                        Posted: 5/6/19

                                                                                        Minor patch update!

                                                                                        • Tweaked Cinco de Mayo pin to no longer be available
                                                                                        • Tweaked the Pin Shop's inventory
                                                                                        • Tweaked removed Easter Bunny from Level Up image
                                                                                          • Fixed more music player issues (why can this thing go wrong in so many unique ways)

                                                                                            Version 3.3.0
                                                                                            Posted: 4/28/19

                                                                                            Just a nice little update that adds custom leveling and a few tweaks/fixes!

                                                                                            New Features
                                                                                            • Added the ability to customize your server's leveling equation!!!! (!config levelequation)
                                                                                            • Added a new Cinco de Mayo pin to the !pinshop
                                                                                            • Added a SPECIAL pin to commemorate a certain ultima-supreme movie (guess which one)
                                                                                              • Tweaked !punch to be slightly smaller (Discord couldn't handle the All Might)
                                                                                              • Tweaked the Easter Bunny to no longer be available (awww)
                                                                                              • Tweaked pet system will no longer assign a rank based on the type of pet you adopt (not a really useful feature, maybe it'll come back in the future but only if people request it)
                                                                                                • Fixed a bug where you could not set a role's price to 0 once it changed from its default value (oops)

                                                                                                  Version 3.2.1
                                                                                                  Posted: 4/22/19

                                                                                                  Just a small update with mostly tweaks and bug fixes.

                                                                                                  New Features
                                                                                                  • Added !hug for all you weir... love birds!
                                                                                                  • Added !punch DETROIT SMASH!!!
                                                                                                    • Tweaked !profile to have a facelift (real different now)
                                                                                                    • Tweaked !pins to show 10 pins per page instead of 5
                                                                                                    • Tweaked !bdays to show 10 birthdays per page instead of 5
                                                                                                    • Tweaked !queue to no longer list the currently playing song in the queue (it's already playing silly Purity)
                                                                                                    • Tweaked !np to provide a link to the original song on YouTube
                                                                                                      • Fixed a bug with nickname changes not appearing properly in mod logs (sorry #360noscope,I mean George.)
                                                                                                      • Fixed a bug where Purity would stop responding to music commands if it was moved between channels
                                                                                                      • Fixed a bug where the music player would break

                                                                                                        Version 3.2.0
                                                                                                        Posted: 4/6/19

                                                                                                        Finally got around to adding/updating some requested features, enjoy!

                                                                                                        New Features
                                                                                                        • Added the second pin series: Creatures! Collect all 5 of em to complete the set!
                                                                                                        • Added an Easter Bunny pin to the !pin shop (yay bunny!)
                                                                                                        • Added a new config option to set birthday notifications to appear in a specific channel (about time)
                                                                                                        • Added the ability to auto-assign a role when someone joins your server (magical)
                                                                                                        • Added custom ranks that have no price or role requirement will now AUTOMATICALLY be assigned when a user levels up to the appropriate required level (yay quality of life!)
                                                                                                        • Added !giverolepoints to give points to a specific role (fun fun)
                                                                                                        • Added a vote crate to the pet system (double the rewards of a daily crate)
                                                                                                        • Added !ascii to convert text to ASCII (so cool wow! but it's only for voters as a reward)
                                                                                                        • Added !config voteincentive to give players an extra way to make money each day by voting for the bot at !vote (please support Purity if you can <3) <-- we will be listing the top voting servers on the website in the future
                                                                                                          • Tweaked the [Retro] pin series to no longer be available (better luck next time)
                                                                                                          • Tweaked birthday notifications to now mention the user instead of just putting their name
                                                                                                          • Tweaked level notifications to look a bit more fun
                                                                                                          • Tweaked vote confirmation messages to include a little blurb if any of your servers offer vote incentives (just cuz)
                                                                                                          • Tweaked !server to now display how many times members of your server have voted for Purity
                                                                                                          • Tweaked some back-end stuff to allow for stat tracking
                                                                                                            • Fixed a bug where you were not able to use animated emojis for reaction roles (NOTE: they MUST be on your server i.e., no external emojis)
                                                                                                            • Fixed a bug where birthdays could disappear after your birthday happened (bad gift)
                                                                                                            • Fixed a bug with !help not showing 'fun' commands
                                                                                                            • Fixed yet another !leaderboard bug (the final one hopefully)

                                                                                                              Version 3.1.0
                                                                                                              Posted: 3/25/19

                                                                                                              Few bug fixes and some new 'memey' commands

                                                                                                              New Features
                                                                                                              • Added a page for patch notes / updates on the website - it's called: changelog (WOAH)
                                                                                                              • Added server counts on our other bot listing pages (you should check em out)
                                                                                                              • Added !slap (username) to slap your frien... I mean enemies (ooh, fancy new image stuff opens many new doors)
                                                                                                              • Added !nope (username) to nope away (this is bad...)
                                                                                                              • Added !scroll (username) to NYEHHH people (what have I become...)
                                                                                                              • Added !snap (username) to snap someone out of existance (almost time for End Game!)
                                                                                                                • Tweaked how member seniority is calculated on !member (thanks Rach.)
                                                                                                                • Tweaked !pins buy to now support aliases (no more [Retro] Blaster, just blaster)
                                                                                                                • Tweaked !vol to be disabled at this time in order to improve music quality (will be reevaluated in the future)
                                                                                                                  • Fixed a bug with custom ranks (don't worry, nothing major; just annoyed us)
                                                                                                                  • Fixed a bug with shards randomly crashing and not come back online (sorry shard 2)
                                                                                                                  • Fixed a bug with reaction roles sometimes not work on the first reaction after a reload
                                                                                                                  • Fixed !flip and !gs (previous update broke their paths, sad...)


                                                                                                                    Version 3.0.0

                                                                                                                    Added support for sharding (a REQUIRED update for the bot to continue expanding past 2500 servers)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked config options for all non-role related options are now able to be modified by the Admin Role (still restricts roles for security)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked St. Patrick's Day pins to no longer be available (sad face)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !info to now display your server's Shard ID if an error occurs
                                                                                                                    Fixed an issue with the !mute command (thanks BawZ for the report)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with pet walk still giving errors when a pet found items
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug preventing admin only mode from being configurable (rip)


                                                                                                                    Version 2.3.3

                                                                                                                    Tweaked config options for all non-role related options to now be able to be modified by the Admin Role (still restricts role for security)


                                                                                                                    Version 2.3.2

                                                                                                                    Tweaked how experience is gained to now ignore some other basic bot prefixes (bot spam from other bots will be less likely to help people level)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !summon to now display more accurate results
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with level spamming notifications on exp change


                                                                                                                    Version 2.3.1

                                                                                                                    Added Admin Only mode to only allow people with "Administrator" permission to use the bot (!config adminonly )
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !help to now work as !purity (just in case people think this should be the command)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked documentation for !choose and !help commands
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with experience gain


                                                                                                                    Version 2.3.0

                                                                                                                    Added 10 new pins!! (2 for St. Patrick's Day, 1 for voting, and the first pin series [Retro] with 7 pins to collect)
                                                                                                                    Added option to enable level notifications (they're still not pretty, but I love them anyway)
                                                                                                                    Added option to setup level notifications to only appear in a certain channel (YAY NO SPAM)
                                                                                                                    Added option to configure a welcome message for when new users join your server (hi new best friends)
                                                                                                                    Added option to setup welcome messages to be sent as a DM or in a specific channel (oooooh, options)
                                                                                                                    Added !welcome command to view what your welcome message will look like
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !info to no longer have a bazillion and 1 digits (ugly. Pure ugly.)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !help to include links to the support Discord and website (#helpful)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !play to now work with !p (your welcome *bows*)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !pinlist to work with multiple pages (dang thing got too long)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year Pins to no longer be available (Bye Bye Love Pigs -- get it?)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked various music things to try and make it better (take #4232747848)
                                                                                                                    Fixed !pet shop bug not showing because of being too long (now it also has multiple pages, WOW)
                                                                                                                    Fixed !pet walk showing as finding null stuff should no longer be the case (note the word should)
                                                                                                                    Fixed !rps showing as undefined if you type r, p, or s (short-hand stuff is annoying... but useful)
                                                                                                                    Fixed !config ranks add showing incorrect error messages (my bad)
                                                                                                                    Fixed Mod logs for deleted messages showing the wrong person deleting them (oops)


                                                                                                                    Version 2.2.2

                                                                                                                    Added 3 new end-game monsters for Pet System (good luck)
                                                                                                                    Added 1 new pin for Chinese New year (get it while you can)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked Groundhog Day pin to no longer be available (better luck next year!)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with channel mod log message spam (whoops)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with reaction roles not working with some emojis (RIP)


                                                                                                                    Version 2.2.1

                                                                                                                    Added !invite to get an invite link for the bot
                                                                                                                    Added !config modlog to setup a channel to receive log reports (may all your moderator log dreams be true!)
                                                                                                                    Added tracking of role creation/modification/deletion, emoji creation/deletion, bans/unbans, serverjoins/leaves, kicks, nickname changes, role assignments/unassignments, deleted/modified messages, bulk message deletes from !purge, and server changes (such as region, name, etc.)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !member to display your position in the server (who joined before others) and when you made your Discord account
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !info to display Patreon (literally not looking for your money, but figured why not put it here)
                                                                                                                    Fixed some bugs with muting a user


                                                                                                                    Version 2.2.0

                                                                                                                    Added !rps to let you play rock, paper, scissors with the bot! (SO MUCH FUN...)
                                                                                                                    Added !patreon if you'd like to donate to the bot's development and get some fun perks (eww money)
                                                                                                                    Added !server to check out your server stats (cool stats!)
                                                                                                                    Added !member to check your or a specific user's server stats (WOAH, MORE STATS!!!)
                                                                                                                    Added !mute and !unmute to mute/unmute a user on your Discord (starting to put some more moderation tools into effect: this can be used by modrole/adminrole/owner)
                                                                                                                    Added 4 new pins to be earned / brought! (Gotta collect em' all)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked oh boy! Purity doesn't blow out your ear drums anymore between songs (volume won't revert to painful 100% ear breaking volume between songs)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked you can no longer control music if you are not in the same voice channel as the bot. (You can't be the DJ if you're not listening to your own music!)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked Purity will eventually leave a voice channel if everyone else has left it (I don't just play for an empty room!)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !daily and !pet crate daily now show exactly how much time is left before you can claim again (fun fact: everyone is not on the same time zone)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked the Frosty and Christmas 2018 pins are no longer availabe for puchase from the pinshop (bye bye!)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bunch of issues with the music module
                                                                                                                    Fixed bad sound quality of music (hopefully)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug causing false alerts for birthdays (sorry Squidward)


                                                                                                                    Added !reactroles to now allow you to configure Reaction Roles and Messages! Let your members automatically assign themselves roles by simply reacting to a specific message!
                                                                                                                    Added !reactmessages, !reactrole add, !reactrole remove, !reactrole assign, and !reactrole unassign to go with !reactroles (yay!)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with T-Rex pets not working (my bad dino pets)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with entry giveaways not allowing people to enter if the bot restarted (told you we'd make bugs from the upgrade)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where configurations were being reset (sorry :O)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a small bug preventing leaderboards from displaying


                                                                                                                    The 2.0.0 update

                                                                                                                    Added !config patchnotes so you can setup a channel to receive patch notes
                                                                                                                    Added !bugreport so you can let us know about any bugs you find
                                                                                                                    Added a shiny new website! It's just a baby right now, but one day it will be big and strong. Check it out at http://puritybot.com
                                                                                                                    Added !language, watch yo proframity!
                                                                                                                    Tweaked pretty much every command (sorry). Seriously though, checkout !help cause the format for a lot of commands has changed.
                                                                                                                    Tweaked the cost of adoption to be 50 currency instead of 500
                                                                                                                    Tweaked the way you toggle commands. Use !disable now
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !pinshop to now only show you pins. To buy them, use !buypin
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !poll to have a hopefully easier format (!poll "question here" answer, answer, answer)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked a lot of error/confirmation messages to look nicer (oooh, pretttyyyy)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !ranks to no longer list price, req rank, or level if not required
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !rankshop to now only display ranks and not work as a way to purchase them
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !twitch to now require !twitch list for a list of tracked channels
                                                                                                                    Fixed a ton of bugs (but you know, probably added more to because we're bad)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with !giveaway not showing the winner message (rude)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a 3 month old bug with leaderboards (finally)


                                                                                                                    Added !pinlist to view all available pins
                                                                                                                    Added !pinshop to purchase select limited-edition pins
                                                                                                                    Added 5 new pins to collect
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !pins and !pins @user to now show your pins (yay official feature release!)


                                                                                                                    Added groundwork for a new Pins System (Badges, achievements, etc.)! More info coming soon, including how to request your very own original pin
                                                                                                                    Added !pins command to check what pins you or @someone else have (currently disabled until this weekend)
                                                                                                                    Added a snowcone food to the pet system for the holidays!
                                                                                                                    Added a snowball toy to the pet system for the holidays!
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug that caused the bot to go down for 3 hours and give me major headaches
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with daily bonus / default points not working properly
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with leaderboards not displaying properly (about damn time this was fixed)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with command toggles not working (damn code rework)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where you could lose all your pets across all servers :O (sad....)


                                                                                                                    Tweaked !vote command to reflect new global system changes
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with !profile and voting not working properly (should be good now :O)


                                                                                                                    Added full economy control (have fun!)
                                                                                                                    Added !resetpoints all/@player which allows owners / admins to now reset points for all / individual users on their server
                                                                                                                    Added !resetlevels all/@player which allows owners / admins to now reset levels for all / individual users on their server
                                                                                                                    Added !set exp/points @player/all amt_here which allows owners / admins to now set points/exp for all / individual users on their server
                                                                                                                    Added !give points @player/all amt_here which allows owners / admins to now give points for all / individual users on their server
                                                                                                                    Added !setdaily amt_here which allows owners / admins to set the amount of currency received from !daily
                                                                                                                    Added !setdefault amt_here which allows owners / admins to set the amount of currency a new user starts with (or resets to)
                                                                                                                    Added groundwork for the global system
                                                                                                                    Added !profile command to show some stats from global system (W.I.P., sorry)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked pet system to have a max inventory of 100 items (sorry hoarders)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !config to show daily bonus and default points (they can also be modified here like other config options)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked voting to give vote points instead of server specific currency (more uses for them coming)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !config to no longer show Halloween avatar (yeah... that was stupid)
                                                                                                                    Fixed bug where birthdays were not showing up (weird and depressing)


                                                                                                                    Added a !birthday @username AND !bdays command to allow you and your members to list their birthdays (date only). Come bday, the server will get a notification to celebrate!
                                                                                                                    Added a !snowball command for the holidays! !snowball @username to hit someone specific or leave it up to chance who you pelt with !snowball
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !prank to no longer @mention anyone... finally. This will be how commands are made moving forward to avoid "ping spam."
                                                                                                                    Fixed various bugs (over a period of time so don't remember specifics. Found more? Let me know in the !support server!)

                                                                                                                    Since we're about to hit 1000 servers for the bot, a MUCH REQUESTED FEATURE will be released this weekend (assuming we hit the goal!) As always, thanks for all the support! It's been a blast working on Purity with you all!


                                                                                                                    Added a !gobble command (HAPPY THANKSGIVING or NORMAL THURSDAY!)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked far too much code as it is being reworked (sorry for any issues, blame ChrispyChips)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with moderator commands
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with summon command
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with leaderboards not showing up
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with pet toggle not working


                                                                                                                    Added a multi-page functionality for !ranks (why so many ranks, sheesh!)
                                                                                                                    Tweaked all of the code for incoming code rework. (yay...)
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with giveaways causing infinite loops. (forget that)

                                                                                                                    Please note: multi-page functionality for !config ranks is not currently implemented. Check out !ranks for the list


                                                                                                                    Added a command toggler (disable any command!) using !config commands toggle commandNameHere
                                                                                                                    Added !config commands to view disabled commands
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !config help to explain how to toggle commands
                                                                                                                    Temporarily removed !gif due to an API bug. Sorry :(


                                                                                                                    Added a custom role management feature in !config to allow server owners to setup purchasable / earnable ranks! Currently can require a certain amount of money, a minimum level, or having another role. Use !config roles and !config help for more details.
                                                                                                                    Added a !ranks command to display all available ranks that can be earned or purchased
                                                                                                                    Added a !rankshop command to allow players to buy and obtain new ranks
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !config to allow for new ranks to be added using !config ranks add/remove/edit
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !config help to explain how custom ranks can be created


                                                                                                                    Added a !grayscale command to let you recolor an image. Because, why not?
                                                                                                                    Added a !flip command so when you go a little crazy, at least you look the part.


                                                                                                                    Added !config to replace !prefix, !currencyname, and more (commands will still remain active at this time because why not)
                                                                                                                    Added the ability to configure moderator and admin bot command groups using !config. Yay no more stupid owner only command usage (mostly...)!
                                                                                                                    Added a !support command to easily get the support discord information since people tend to have questions sometimes
                                                                                                                    Added a !ban command to ban players from your discord when kicking doesn't get the point across
                                                                                                                    Added a revolving activity feed (you know where it shows what you're playing) with some helpful commands
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where once toggled off, the points system could not be toggled back on. Well, that's rude.

                                                                                                                    Role breakdown is as follows:

                                                                                                                    Admin Role Moderator Role
                                                                                                                    - !currency
                                                                                                                    - !resetpoints
                                                                                                                    - !resetlevel
                                                                                                                    - !prefix
                                                                                                                    - !toggle
                                                                                                                    - !twitch
                                                                                                                    - + all moderator commands
                                                                                                                    - !kick
                                                                                                                    - !purge
                                                                                                                    - !ban


                                                                                                                    Added the option to vote for the bot and receive +150 currency across all servers that Purity Bot is active in.
                                                                                                                    Added a !vote command to get the voting link.


                                                                                                                    Added a frisbee to the pet shop because every pet deserves a frisbee.
                                                                                                                    Added a !pokedex because every bot apparently has one? I like Pokémon too, so why not!


                                                                                                                    Added the ability to specify the number of messages to remove from !purge (qty). Yay control \o/
                                                                                                                    Added !confused to let you all react confused to messages.
                                                                                                                    Added !success to empower your most successful moments.
                                                                                                                    Added !youmad to let you taunt others.
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !giveaway to use minutes instead of milliseconds for !giveaway entry giveaways. Better.
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !giveaway to provide a simpler example to make usage more clear. Confusion sucks.
                                                                                                                    Fixed !help returning an older version of the help commands. That wasn't very helpful.
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where people were not leveling up properly from typing in chat. I'm sorry :(
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where hunger + happiness were going down in an unintended way. Sorry pets.
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug with the music bot failing when it can't find your groovy tunes.
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where !currency was not changing the name of your server's currency. Again, sorry bout that.


                                                                                                                    Added !purge to allow for a text channel to be cleared (last 100 messages). Helps eliminate some of that sweet bot spam.
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !info to display a more accurate member count
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !pet fight battle screen to remind players about !pet fight special. You know it existed? Right?
                                                                                                                    Tweaked music player to have some built-in emoji love.
                                                                                                                    Tweaked !info to include a link to the support discord. Yay support \o/
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where music player would let you search for nothing at all. Who listens to nothing? Can music even be nothing?
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where polls would break with more than 10 options. Damn choice.
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where users were not being told how to !kick properly. Now you can kick all those pesky nerds from your server while being well informed!
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where !release would not remove previous pet cooldowns. Now your old pet won't have a bad influence on your new pet.


                                                                                                                    Added a !boku command to display Boku no Hero Academia Quotes. Try !boku, !mha, or !myheroacademia
                                                                                                                    Added + and - modifiers to dice rolls. Try !roll 5d20+55
                                                                                                                    Added a !info command to display general bot information and vote link(edited)
                                                                                                                    Added a !ship command to ship together two players. Try !ship [username] [username]
                                                                                                                    Added a !prank command to prank people. Try !prank [username] or just !prank to prank someone random
                                                                                                                    Tweaked battle damage to be slightly more random
                                                                                                                    Fixed bug with !heal command not healing past 100 health
                                                                                                                    Fixed leaderboard bug for when there is no data on a server
                                                                                                                    Fixed a bug where dice rolls of +1 trillion value could crash bot. You nerds..

                                                                                                                    Ratings & Reviews


                                                                                                                    45 reviews

                                                                                                                    Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

                                                                                                                    5 stars


                                                                                                                    4 stars


                                                                                                                    3 stars


                                                                                                                    2 stars


                                                                                                                    1 star



                                                                                                                    3 months ago

                                                                                                                    Bot without commands ... KO



                                                                                                                    7 months ago

                                                                                                                    It was excellent, but in the last six months so have the dashboard been disabled, the bot is down like 80-90% of the time, and their support server is filled with people asking for help and getting no response.



                                                                                                                    over 2 years ago

                                                                                                                    Awesome bot, love the Pet System in there and the amazing functions.


                                                                                                                    -- pamzy 🌺
                                                                                                                    -- pamzy 🌺

                                                                                                                    almost 3 years ago

                                                                                                                    Forever my favourite bot <3 It's allowed me to customize my server exactly how I want while toggling off features I don't need - not many bots allow that! Keep it up!



                                                                                                                    about 4 years ago

                                                                                                                    Awesome bot guys just keep up with the updates might surpass DYNO who knowsEdit



                                                                                                                    almost 3 years ago

                                                                                                                    I LOVE THIS BOT SO MUCH IT IS SO FUN



                                                                                                                    over 4 years ago

                                                                                                                    I have added it to my server, but i am not able to use it because its not mentioned anywhere the list of its commands, but i have seen other servers with 100+ members using this, so i know the bot is correct and i am wrong


                                                                                                                    Purity 🐰

                                                                                                                    Replying to Aditya_Gamer11

                                                                                                                    Hi there Aditya, take a peek at the !help command or visit our site at https://www.puritybot.com/commands.htmls for a full list of commands! If you need any further help, just hop on our support server and someone should be able to assist you!


                                                                                                                    over 4 years ago

                                                                                                                    I have added it to my server, but i am not able to use it because its not mentioned anywhere the list of its commands, but i have seen other servers with 100+ members using this, so i know the bot is correct and i am wrong


                                                                                                                    Purity 🐰

                                                                                                                    Replying to Aditya_Gamer11

                                                                                                                    Hi there Aditya, take a peek at the !help command or visit our site at https://www.puritybot.com/commands.htmls for a full list of commands! If you need any further help, just hop on our support server and someone should be able to assist you!


                                                                                                                    about 3 years ago

                                                                                                                    This bot is really good, but the !exp, !lvl, !set and !resetlevel commands are not working




                                                                                                                    ! (or custom)



                                                                                                                    Server Count


                                                                                                                    Support Server
















