A rpg-themed discord bot still in development
OwO ? Who are you?
So, the first command you'll need to know is g/start.
Then, after this small context sent in DMs, you'll be able to use some commands such as:
g/map : A map of your current area;
g/move : it allows you to move in this map;
g/character : shows your freshly-created character. He looks kinda nice, no?
g/editchara : If you think your character can be better, you can edit some stuff about him!
g/help : the help
g/hunt : Allows you to earn some xp points, classic.
g/editstats : With the help of stat points that you earn by getting levels, you can have a boost in terms of stats.
g/heal : To be healed, because wild dangerous owo
g/roll : Rolls one or multiple dices.
g/lang : Allows you to choose the language the bot shows the message in, for now only available in French and English.
g/shop : Welcome to my non-suspicious shop!
g/buyitem : Thanks for buying something in my non-suspicious shop!
g/inventory : Opens your inventory.
g/use : Uses an item in your inventory.
g/modifymap : [FOR SERVER ADMINS] Allows you to modify and customize the server's g/map.
g/bugreport : Feel free to send a message if you encounter a problem!
g/links : Some funny links to other social medias.
3 reviews
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almost 2 years ago
Cannot be used as it is not verified. Otherwise sounds neat.