Manatee is a simple, speedy Discord bot that can meet your servers' needs. It features lots of abilities such as:
🐬 Curate commands specifically for your server by enabling/disabling them however you wish.
🐬 Give it a unique prefix within your server.
🐬 Welcome new users with a warm, fuzzy greeting.
🐬 Log info like all the actions made by your moderation team, who enters and leaves your server, or which messages are edited and deleted.
🐬 Play engaging games like hangman, minesweeper, roulette, and sudoku, or challenge friends to a round of trivia.
🐬 Generate your own memes to your heart's content, or just browse memes on r/dankmemes
That list just scratches the surface on what you can do with Manatee!
Here's a full list of commands:
⚙️ Config
- autorole: Give new users a role upon joining.
- disable: Disable a command from being run in your server. Use the --view flag to view a list of disabled commands.
- enable: Enable a command in your server. All commands are enabled by default; this command is the opposite of
- member-log: Set the channel to log when users join/leave.
- message-log: Set the channel to log when messages are edited/deleted.
- mod-log: Set the channel to log moderation commands.
- prefix: Set a customized prefix specific to your server.
- tag: Manage tags in your server.
- welcome: Set a welcome message for your server.
🎉 Fun
- animal: Grabs a random animal image.
- anime: Get info about an anime show.
- banner: Create an ASCII banner from text (10 chars max).
- clap: Make me say whatever you want by clapping!
- cow: Make a cow say your text.
- foodporn: Fetch some mouth-watering images... too bad you can't have it.
- kill-me: Kill yourself in-game with this command... Now with free revival!
- kiss-marry-kill: Determines who to kiss, who to marry, and who to kill.
- conch: Ask the magic conch any question you have.
- meme: Find a dank meme...
- movie: Get info about a movie.
- pig-latin: Translate to Pig Latin.
- psycho-pass: Determine your crime coefficient.
- scramble: Scramble any text you send.
- ship: Generate ship names.
- xkcd: Check today's xkcd comic.
🎲 Games
- captcha: Guess what the captcha says.
- fight: Engage in a western gunfight against someone.
- hangman: Try to guess the word correctly.
- minesweeper: Generate a game of Minesweeper.
- roulette: Play a game of roulette.
- rps: Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with me.
- slots: Play a game of slots.
- sudoku: Generate a game of sudoku.
- tic-tac-toe: Play a game of tic tac toe.
- trivia: Answer a trivia question.
📷 Image
- 3000-years: Put someone over the It's been 3000 years meme.
- beautiful: Put someone in Gravity Falls' Oh, this? This is beautiful meme.
- bob-ross: Put someone in Bob Ross's canvas.
- challenger: Challenger Approaching!
- dexter: Put someone in Dexter's screen.
- girl-worth-fighting-for: Be the object of Ling's affection.
- pixelate: Pixelate an image/avatar.
- power: You Have The Power!
- rip: RIP stranger XXXX-2019
- vietnam: Bring back vietnam flashbacks over an image/avatar.
- wanted: Make a wanted poster for someone.
- worthless: Put someone in Gravity Falls' Oh, this? This is worthless meme.
📚 Knowledge
- bored: Find something to do when bored.
- define: Find the definition of a word.
- element: Find info on an element from the Periodic Table.
- github: Search for a GitHub repo.
- ip: Find info on an IPv4 address.
- iTunes: Find a song on iTunes.
- map: Get a map of a place.
- report: Calculate information about a data set.
- stock: Get information about a stock symbol.
- translate: Translate text to another language.
- urban: Search for words on Urban Dictionary.
- wikipedia: Finds a Wikipedia Article by title.
🚔 Moderation
- ban: Ban a user.
- deafen: Deafen/Undeafen someone in a voice channel.
- kick: Kick a user.
- nick: Change/reset someone's nickname.
- prune: Delete messages with a filter.
- softban: Softban a user.
- unban: Unban a user.
- voice-kick: Disconnect someone from a voice channel.
- voice-mute: Mute/Unmute someone in a voice channel.
🛠 Utility
- avatar: View someone's avatar.
- color: View a color.
- echo: Echoes whatever you say.
- help: Get a list of my commands, or info about a specific command.
- info: Get information about a user, a role, a channel, or the server itself.
- invite: Add me to your Discord server!
- ping: Check my connection to Discord.
- playing: Check who's playing a game.
- qr: Convert any content to a QR code.
- stats: Check some statistics about me.
- suggest: Suggest any improvements to the bot.
- support: Get a link to my support server.
- topinvites: Check the top invites in a server.