Fifa 20 FUT but then on Discord. Open packs, trade players, collect players etc.
[] = Not needed <> = Required
When you open a pack, it will automatically check if you have enough points. If you have enough, points will be used otherwise coins will be used.
Commando | Arguments | Example | Aliases | Usage |
open | [pack_id] | pack!open 12 | o | Open a pack to get some players. Don't know a pack_id? Use pack!list or just not fill a pack_id in. |
list | - | pack!list | - | Get a list of all the available packs. |
balance | - | pack!balance | bal | Get to know your own amount of coins. |
points | - | pack!points | point | Get to know your own amount of points. |
clubinfo | - | pack!clubinfo | ci | Get all your general club information. This are amount of players, coins, points and creation time. |
select | [club OR transferpile] | pack!select | s | Select a player from your transferpile or club. After you selected it you can move it, list or quick-sell. |
club | [playername] | pack!club | - | Get a table of all the players in your club. You can change pages with the reaction arrows. |
transferpile | - | pack!transferpile | transfer, transfers, tp | Get a table of all the players in your club. You can change pages with the reaction arrows. |
market | [playername] | pack!market | m | Get a table of players that are on the market. You can change pages with the reaction arrows. |
bid | <auction_id> <price> | pack!bid | - | Bid or buy a player that is on the transfer market. The auction_id you can find with the market command. |
claim | - | pack!claim | - | Claim your rewards every 12 hours. This rewards contains 100 points. |
help | - | pack!help | support | Returns a message with some information. |
commands | - | pack!commands | - | Returns a command list, looks like this page. |
vote | - | pack!vote | - | Returns a vote link to get some points. |
ping | No arguments | pack!ping | No | Returns the response time of the bot. |
invite | - | pack!invite | inv | Returns a link yo get this bot also. |
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