A bot with different commands, most of them are about information and, of course, fun
A bot on discord.js v11.6.3 which has detailed info commands and meme generators. Besides that, there's not that many features, but the bot has just started to develop.
(NOTE: PREFIX IS NOT "a> (customizable)". IT IS "a>". "(customizable)" MEANS THE PREFIX CAN BE CHANGED FOR SPECIFIC USERS OR GUILDS) Command list:
{arg} - required argument
[arg] - optional argument
<{arg}> - infinite length required argument
a>channel {id/channel-name/pinged-channel} - show detailed info about the channel you provide.
a>emoji {id/emoji-name/pinged-emoji} - show detailed info about the emoji you provide.
a>guild - show detailed info about this guild/server.
a>help [command/category] - self-explanatory.
a>ping - bot latency.
a>role {id/role-name/pinged-role} - show detailed info about the role you provide.
a>user {id/user-name/pinged-user} - show detailed info about the user you provide. If this user is on the server you're in, it will show all their server-related info.
a>guildprefix [prefix] - set or reset the server's prefix. Requires the Manage Server permission.
a>invite {bot} - generate an invite for a bot.
a>myprefix [prefix] - set or reset your own prefix.
a>brain <{text1}>|<{text2}>|<{text3}>|<{text4}> - generate an "Expanding Brain" meme with 4 panels. Each of the panels text is separated with |
a>coin - flip a coin.
a>damage {text} - generates a meme with an exclusive template. Usually this meme is used to show how broken something is.
a>daughter <{text1}> | <{text2}> - another meme generator with a fairly unknown template.
a>dice [dices] - roll one or many dices.
a>dudewtf <{text}> - meme generator, using one of Sr. Grafo's amazing templates. This one is called "I killed a man".
a>hangman [easymode:y/n] - play hangman. Choose a letter by typing a>choose {letter}. Note that choose command must have "a>", and not the custom prefix.
a>pride {image} - overlap the LGBT flag with the image
a>rps {pick:r/p/s} - play rock paper scissors, where r is rock, p is paper and s are scissors.
a>rpsw {pick:r/p/s/w} - play advanced rps with well, where r is rock, p is paper, s are scissors and w is well.
a>barcode {text} - create a barcode out of your text.
a>clipboard [text] - save images and or text in clipboard, which can be loaded afterwards anytime. Text is optional only if you provide image(s).
a>covid [country] - view COVID-19 info in a specified country. If not specified, show global info.
a>currency {number} {from} {to} - convert 1 currency to another.
a>gdlevel {id} - view info on a Geometry Dash level using GDColon's awesome gdbrowser.com API.
a>gdprofile {id/name} - view info on a Geometry Dash profile using the same API as gdlevel.
a>load - load your clipboard you previously saved.
a>math [expression] - reaction-based calculator. This command is experimental.
a>readqr {image} - read a QR code from an attachment or a link.
a>qr {text} - create a QR code out of your text.
a>whois {ip} - view IP address info. You can also provide a website, which will be automatically turned into an IP.
a>mydiscrim [discriminator] - show people with your or the provided discriminator.
a>react {message-id} {id/emoji-name/pinged-emoji} - react with a custom emoji on a message.
a>showemoji {id/emoji-name/pinged-emoji} - show the emoji you want.
a>unreact {message-id} {id/emoji-name/pinged-emoji} - remove the bot's reaction from a message.
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