A bot that gives you tech tips and has funni sandal man (LinusTechTips)
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Tech Tip Bot provides you with the freshest ironic and unironic tech tips around in addition to linus lore and comedic linus faces. Anyone can contribute to the every growing list by suggesting a tech tip with tech!suggest . As long as it doesn't break Discord's TOS, it will probably get accepted.
The bot also has many moderation features, a music player, and an embed builder that everyone can enjoy!
Tech Tip gets updated daily so expect new features on a weekly basis!
A LinusTechTips/ Linus Tech Tips bot
**= Command List =**
**[Use tech!help (Or your custom server prefix) <command name> for details]**
**== Base ==**
tech!embed :: Create an embed with an easy text based embed builder
tech!face :: gives a funni linus face
tech!lore :: wacky linus tech tips doing uncharacteristic things
tech!song :: Play the funni tech tip song
tech!sponsor :: Suggest a future sponsor
tech!suggest :: Suggest a tech tip.
tech!tip :: Gives you a tech tip (can also be run with "can i have a tech tip" (not case sensitive))
**== General ==**
tech!help :: Displays all the available commands for your permission level.
tech!invite :: Gives the invite link.
tech!mylevel :: Tells you your permission level for the current message location.
tech!ping :: Checks bot and API latency.
tech!set :: View or change settings for your server.
tech!stats :: Gives some useful bot statistics
**== Moderation ==**
tech!ban :: Bans a user
tech!kick :: Kicks a user
tech!mute :: Mutes a user
tech!unban :: Unbans a user
tech!unmute :: Unmutes a user
**== Music ==**
tech!play :: Plays music
tech!stop :: stops the music
tech!control :: Opens a music controller
tech!queue :: Displays the current queue
tech!lock :: locks music controls
tech!unlock :: unlocks music controls
tech!replay :: replays the most recent song
tech!pause :: Pauses any playing music
tech!resume :: resumes playback
tech!skip :: skips the current track
tech!vol :: sets volume
If you have any suggestions for commands of functions, please feel free to DM me
If you want to suggest a tech tip, also DM me or use suggest insert tech tip suggestion
This is just a small side project, so don't expect too much support, but I'm always happy to answer the occasional question via DM or throuh the support server
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