Miner is a friendly moderation bot with features any moderation bot has, but what makes him special is his fun commands!
Miner is a friendly moderation bot with features any moderation bot has, but what makes him special is his ability to make trivia games, and look at the weather of any city! (if it's big enough) He can also translate languages!
His Commands are: Bot Commands Basic Moderation s-ban <@user> - Bans a member from the server. s-kick <@user> - Kicks a user from the server. s-mute <@user> - Mutes a user in the server. s-unmute <@user> - Unmutes a user in the server. s-invite - Generates the invite link for the bot. s-say - Broadcasts a message in the channel. s-addrole <@user> - Adds a role to a User. s-removerole <@user> - Removes a role from a User s-softban <@user> - Soft bans a user from the server. s-ping - Gets the ping of the server and bot. s-help - Displays all the commands of the server. s-suggest - Logs a suggestion to the server. s-status - Changes the status of the bot. s-warn <@user> - Warns a user. s-warnings <@user> - Displays all the past warnings of a user. s-clearwarnings <@user> - Clears all the warnings of a user. Trivia s-start - Starts a new game of trivia. s-join - Joins an active game of trivia. :globe_with_meridians: Translator :globe_with_meridians: s-translate - Translates a phrase to another language. :cloud_rain: Weather :cloud_rain: s-weather - Receives the weather forecast for a city. :computer: ️ Commands :computer: s-pokemon - Pokemon Song s-hey - Says Hello s-lmao - Laughs Your ass off s-cmds - Gives a list of commands s-BS - Plays Battle Ship s-Drive - You Drive Off s-Shoot - You attempt to shoot the enemy
Bot is powered by Node.JS.
Support server: https://discord.gg/Bm4CjNH
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