10 months ago
I personally use my bot's features, like the /cooldowns command. But it sometimes still looks ugly, and the French translations are incomplete.
A strange bot that does a few things.
It contains a recreation of the GDC game bot (which is now offline), some mostly useless commands about text, an option to let people vote messages in a channel, a button to remove message embeds on mobile, a command to navigate the Lublox website from Discord, and an option to add bots into new threads.
Temporary other bot if you want to create linked roles: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1085889187930177547&permissions=0&scope=bot%20applications.commands
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10 months ago
I personally use my bot's features, like the /cooldowns command. But it sometimes still looks ugly, and the French translations are incomplete.