Practice your knowledge on the flags, capitals and locations of countries and compete against your friends
Countryvia is a trivia bot for those who like geography or want to increase their knowledge.
Flags: players are shown a flag and must name the country.
Capitals: players are given a country and must name the capital.
Maps: players are shown a country highlighted on the map and must name the country.
Trivia Commands:
t!trivia - Start a trivia game. You can optionally give a number of questions after the command. The default is 10.
t!trivia end - Ends the trivia game in the current channel.
Commands for Admins:
t!prefix - Changes the bot's prefix. If you've forgotten your current prefix, you can tag (mention) the bot to find out.
t!mr add - Give a role the permission to end a trivia game. Normally a game can only be ended by the person who started it.
t!mr remove - Remove a manager role.
t!mr list - Show list of current manager roles.