X-Striker is a bot that eliminates account hijackers on Discord by use of a cross server management system.
X-Striker [Cross Striker], is a bot with a lot of sweet features for eliminating account hijackers in your servers as well as preventing them from joining at all.
X-Striker has 2 versions, free and paid with a 7 day free trial of premium. The paid version is charged lifetime per server, meaning that there is no subscription to keep using him! Pay for him once per server and it is yours, no month to month payments!
X-Striker also helps to act as a system to improve user behavior on a general level. When a user is banned in a server the user is issued a strike, when that user attempts to join a new server, X-Striker checks that servers bot settings for join eligibility.
Example: A user is banned in server 1, server 2 set their settings to action banned users who have 1 ban. When this user attempts to join server 2, the user is actioned.
When users meet or exceed the limit to join a server they are actioned in accordance to 1 of several things. No Action, Auto Kick, Auto Ban, and Timeout.
This helps to control users who have been banned in other servers more effectively to prevent them from causing further trouble in your server.
We built into X-Striker a dedicated support command! Just use /contact and you'll send a message directly to our support server where you'll be issued a ticket number.
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