Multifunctional bot that includes logging, filter configuration, moderation commands, and much more.
Holo has a lot of cool punishing commands! You can log things like edited/deleted messages, who punished who, and even who joined the server at what time! There's also informational commands! There's a .whois command that gives you information on someone in the server, as well as .serverinfo which give you the server information!
mute - Times out a member
unmute - Removes member timeout
warn - Warns a member
unban - Unbans a user
hackban - Bans a user
kick - Kicks a member
infractions - Views a member's infractions
ban - Bans a member
purge - Bulk deletes messages
nuke - Deletes all messages in a chat
move - Moves a user to a different text channel
unmove - Unmoves a user
avatar - Shows a member's avatar
ping - ping pong
botinfo - Shows the bot's information
membercount - Shows server membercount
serverinfo - Shows a server's information
servericon - Shows a server's icon
policy - Shows the private policy
invite - Shows bot invite
help - Shows commands
whois - Shows member information
info - Shows a outside user's information
memberlogs - Sets channel for logging members
linkfilter - Turns invite filter on or off
modlogs - Sets channel for logging punishments
invitefilter - Turns invite filter on or off
auditlogs - Sets channel for logging messages
welcome - Sets configuration for welcome message and channels
role - Delete, create, add, or remove roles
1 review
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. or @ the bot
English (EN)