Multi-featured command bot, Entertainment, Moderation & Other Features!
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This project was closed over a year ago, please direct your attention to project Paradox.
Discord Paradox Bot
Entertainment Commands
- -!cuddle @Name#0000 | Give someone a lovely cuddle,
- -!kiss @Name#0000 | Show your affections & kiss them,
- -!pat @Name#0000 | People appreciate a good head pat,
- -!slap @Name#0000 | Someone annoyed you? Problem sorted,
- -!hug @Name#0000 | Hugs are important, show your friend you care,
- -!bite @Name#0000 | Are you hungry? Feel free to nom someone,
- -!ascii [14 Character Limit] | Its sorta spammy soooo yikes.
- -!ping | Ping out main servers & wait for the response time.
Administration Commands
- -!ban @Name#0000 [Reason] | Rain divine punishment,
- -!settings | Opens up system list for modifications.
- -!setprefix [prefix] | Dislike my prefix? Feel free to change it.
General Commands
- -!help | If you're new or lost feel free to ask,
- -!support [command] [error] | If you got a bug or problem with a command, report it ASAP
- -!suggestion [idea] | Got a suggestion or idea to add to Hinami? Hit us up.
- -!translate [from] [to] [message] | Can't speak French, Russian or Dutch? Luckily we got your back!
- -!server | Get some info about the server & some extra juicy info.
- -!aboutbot | Want to show who developed it? Great to hear!
Ratings & Reviews
Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.
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