Create tournaments that allow members on your Discord server to participate! Powered by Challonge.
September 19, 2018: New commands have been added so users can specify which roles can manage tournaments! By default, users with manage server permissions can manage tournaments.
Manage tournaments that your Discord members can join, as well as:
Prefixes: !
, ?
, t!
, t?
or @mention
the bot (e.g. @botname [the command]
This bot uses the Challonge API to manage tournaments.
View tutorial on basic usage and screenshots here.
Commands that do not depend on a tournament to exist.
Command | Description | Usage |
!challonge email | Associates your Challonge email for tournament participation. If not set, your Discord username is used. | !challonge email [email] |
!challonge username | Associates your Challonge username for tournament participation. If not set, your Discord username is used. | !challonge username [username] |
!tourney create | Creates a tournament. This also sets it as the "current" tournament on the server. | !tourney create [name] (optional game name) |
!tourney all | Show all tournaments (by their ID) created by this server. | !tourney all |
!cantourney | Allow users with a role to manage tournaments and participants. | !cantourney [role] |
!cannottourney | Disallow a role from managing tournaments and participants. | !cannottourney [role] |
!whocantourney | Show all roles who can manage tournaments and participants. Users with manage server permissions can always manage tournaments. | !whocantourney |
After running !tourney create
, the below commands can be used for that tournament. Use !current
to show its information, or to switch to another tournament as the "current" one.
Command | Description | Usage |
!start | Starts a tournament. | !start |
!current | Shows current tournament information. Optionally can set a different tournament as the "current" one. It is also the tournament where the below commands can be applied. | !current (optional tournament ID) |
!finalize | Finalizes the tournament, making current results permanent. | !finalize |
!reset | Resets a tournament, clearing all of its scores and attachments. | !reset |
!winner | Declare a user as a winner for their currently open match. Default scores are 1 (for winner) and 0 (for loser). | !winner [@user] |
!participate | Participate in a tournament. If you are a tournament manager, you can tag a user to add them instead. | !participate (optional @user1, @user2, ...) |
!unparticipate | Removes you from a tournament. If you are a tournament manager, you can tag a user to remove them instead. | !unparticipate (optional @user) |
!addmembers | Adds all members from your server to the tournament. | !addmembers |
!addbots | Adds bots to the tournament, if you want to do that for some reason. | !addbots |
!clear | Clears a tournament of all participants. | !clear |
!seed | Sets the seed of a participant in the tournament. Must be less or equal to the number of participants. | !seed [@user] [number] |
!swap | Swaps the seed between two participants of the tournament. | !swap [@user1] [@user2] |
!status | Shows your participant info (current rank, etc). Tag a user for their participant info instead. | !status (optional @user) |
!match | Shows the next open match that you're in. Tag a user to see theirs instead. | !match (optional @user) |
!reopen | Reopens the most recent match that was completed. Tag a user to reopen one of theirs instead. | !reopen (optional @user) |
!update | Updates tournament settings. See Challonge's documentation to see a list of possible fields. | !update [field] [value] |
!destroy | Deletes the current tournament. | !destroy |
To update fields with !update
, use the field shown in the docs (shown in brackets) for [field]
and a valid value. For example, if you want to update the tournament to use double elimination, run !update tournament_type "double elimination"
. Keep in mind that any values with spaces need to be wrapped with double quotes.
All tournaments are viewable to the public by default
5 reviews
Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
almost 4 years ago
This bot needs verification. Please fix. Will change review after fixed. "This bot can't join more servers as it has not been verified or is requesting gateway intents it has not been verified for. Ask the bot's developer about so you can add it to your server!"
about 4 years ago
I have not used this bot, but I do wish to know how to use it or get assistance creating a very similar bot.
!, ?, t!, t?, @mention
Server Count