Introduce the Islamic Adab's concept in Discord! A sort of "Behavior" score that can increase or decrease depending on your comportment.
The Adāb (أدب), refers to a Muslim behavior-code – refinement, good manners, morals, decorum, decency and humaneness. Muslims refer to Adab as ethics, good conduct, courtesy, respect, and appropriateness.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to teach people about good Akhlaq and moral values of which here are some hadiths:
“The most beloved of you to Allah is the best of you in character” (Bukhari)
“There is nothing weightier in the scales than good morals and manners.” (Abu Dawood)
“Truly, the believer can reach, by means of good manners and morals, the degree of one who constantly fasts.” (Abu Dawood)
The objective of this project is to raise awareness of the Adab concept and improve the behaviour of our Ummah (community). That's why it offers an Adab-Score management system with plenty of blaming or encouraging messages, as well as rankings and of course behaviour reminders to be applied immediately!
The bot's base prefix is g-. The first command you should type is g-manage to change the basic configuration such as prefix and bot's language. Make sure the bot has the necessary permissions to Read and send a message on the channel, Embed file and Use external emoji.
Feature | Description |
[p]help | List the available features. |
[p]manage | Admin. and server's configuration part — Logs of Adâb transfers, details for a member, manually modify the Adab-score or re-configurate the principal settings. |
[p]levels | Display the different Adab's degrees. |
[p]adab [member] | Consult your Adab's level (or to mentionned member's one) with a reminder to apply — From various books on the subject. |
[p]top | Displays the leaderboard of the server's best behaviors — [p]top worst to display the chaotics. |
[p]nafs [member] | Send a a Nafs-Punch (ego reminded) to bring someone back down to earth!. |
[p]third | Returns from your sunrise and sunset times (Sobh and Maghreb) the time of the last third of your night. |
[p]events | Display the Events-Management module menu. |
[p]library | Display the Communautary Islamic Library module menu. |
Display the detail of the events' manager commands
Example : Organizing a Tafsir course
g-evt new Tafsir al Mu`awwidatayn - 21h (Evening course)
Calculate the last third of the night
g-third [maghreb] [sobh]
Access to the Islamic Communautary Library
Access to the admin and managing options — Adâb transfers logs, details for a member, manually modify the Adab-score or re-configurate the principal settings
Change the bot's command prefix
g-prefix [prefix]
Change the language (English or French)
Ajoute le concept Islamique d'Adab à Discord ! Une sorte de score de "bonne conduite" qui peut augmenter ou diminuer selon le bon ou mauvais comportement de la communauté.
Commande | Description |
Help | Affiche la liste des commandes disponibles. |
Config | Configuration du serveur (Langue, prefixe...). |
Levels | Affiche les différents degrés d'Adab. |
Adab @mention | Affiche son niveau d'Adab (ou celui du membre mentionné) ainsi qu'un rappel à appliquer - Issus de différents ouvrages traitant du thème. |
Top | Affiche le classement des plus beaux comportements du serveur. |
Nafs @mention | Envoie un rappel / une attaque au Nafs de la personne mentionnée. |
Tiers | Renvoie à partir de vos horaires de lever et coucher du soleil (Sobh et Maghreb) l'heure du dernier tiers de votre nuit. |
Events | Affiche le menu de l'organisateur d'évènements. |
Library | Affiche le menu de la bibliothèque communautaire du bot. |
Accéder au détail des commandes de gestion d'évènements
Exemple : Préparation d'un cours de Tafsir
g-evt new Tafsir al Mu`awwidatayn à 21h (Cours du soir)
Calculer le dernier tiers de la nuit
g-tiers [maghreb] [sobh]
Accéder à la Bibliothèque Islamique Communautaire
Accéder aux options d'administration (Logs, modification de score d'Adab, etc.)
Changer le préfixe de commande
g-set_prefix [prefixe]
Changer la langue (Français ou Anglais)
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